So before my R.O.M. I have taken a dayflight for the first time of my life to go to Singapore to go through the declaration of being single at the R.O.M Office, had a roast chicken meal sharing it with my then fiancé at Hanis, dinner and shopping with friend and also went for a Pedi and Mani. So the big day comes (really very small… but still a little big right? Haha).
With all the anticipation from a lot of people, this shall begin and those who wanted to see how I looked like can do so now :P (treasure it as it won’t happen often :P).
The evening begin, I had to go get a makeover. Spent over an hour just to sit there and have a makeup artist play with my face. After it was done, my face felt so heavy and uncomfortable; mind you I am a person that barely puts on makeup at all… so out of a sudden a heavy splotch of stuffs gets on my face of course it is uncomfortable hahaha.
Here is how I look like with painted face.
With all the anticipation from a lot of people, this shall begin and those who wanted to see how I looked like can do so now :P (treasure it as it won’t happen often :P).
The evening begin, I had to go get a makeover. Spent over an hour just to sit there and have a makeup artist play with my face. After it was done, my face felt so heavy and uncomfortable; mind you I am a person that barely puts on makeup at all… so out of a sudden a heavy splotch of stuffs gets on my face of course it is uncomfortable hahaha.
Here is how I look like with painted face.

Arriving at the restaurant - Peach Garden @ 33rd floor of the OCBC Center (we were late because the makeup took some time);
The table setting.

Look at the centerpiece.

The rings.

Joined in Matrimony.

The newlyweds with the Solemnizer.

Here is our official photographer for the event.

Dinner is served at 7pm sharp; today I leave it for you to enjoy your view with portraits. Food of the dinner shall be in the next post. But here is a sneak peek at the menu to give you an idea of what we ate

I hope you enjoyed today’s post and to those who wanted to know how I look like, I hope you like what you see hehehe.

I finally see you! Hi LV! ;)
Nice place...
wah, you look so loving holding his arm that way. So manja! :D
will you frame your certificate or not? LOL
Wahaha!!! So happy spamming LV's comment section because I get to be FC!
Anyways, congrats to both of you.
like like like!!!!
i like what i see here!!!!!
hahahaha... very pretty face ma...
why hide it! XD
kekekeke... finally get to see u!!
Awwww.... .all look so sweet~
hi ladyviral! finally the bride to be shows herself with her prince.. both of u are very "tang tui" (matching la) ... got fu chai seong.. :p
Congratulations again!
You look fine without makeup. I don't wear any make up too. I only use lipstick but these days I hardly wear lipstick too.
I spend more on skincare products.
Congrats, nice photos! First time seeing your actual self......Happy Couple Forever!
it is an honor to share yr big day with you. u look lovely with or without make-up
OMG! You finally revealed yourself! What made you do it? : )
Anyway, you look good with or without make-up.
OMG! You finally revealed yourself! What made you do it? : )
Anyway, you look good with or without make-up.
Oops! Double comments! : )
Wow, Lina call you LV, sounds good for a name. Reminds me of the brand LV. Haha!
Congrats to you both - so now no turning back right? Only can turn into one? LOL!
haha, yeah, finally see you already!! with the sweetest smile on your ROM day.. :)
woohoo and yay, we finally got to see the face behind the blog. both of you make a fabulous couple.
i'm happy for u sweetie and congrats again.
btw, love your smile. you look fantastic with or w/o makeup.
Beautiful photos! Congratulations!
Your makeup looks natural not too heavily made. Believe me, I've seen clown makeup on brides. Yours look nice. I love your centerpiece. Are they peonies? I'm sorry, not very familiar with flowers. My brother got married this March and I know the stress level and chaos that go with planning a wedding. I wish you and your husband everlasting love filled with good health and happiness!!
I hardly put make up too, i go for the natural look =P
you are pretty so why hide? hehe
I'm so happy for both of you, nice table setting there but too bad the program wasn't captured.
We have the same ring colors, i also have white gold but more stones =)
you look gorgeous, with or without make-up!
love the table stting and the centerpiece, lovely!
congratulations and best wishes!
So nice of you to have put up the photos to share with us. You look so sweet and your partner, hmm... big size, can protect you well... :)))
I would have put up my photo if I am as pretty as you. Haha
lina : Hi lina! Hahaha! Finally know the face behind the blog eh? :P. Congrats on being my FC! I will think of ways to link you up on that hehehe.
alamak manja pulak! Not "Tying him down already?" hahaha! Frame it up? Naw... Keep it in a file after lamination maybe but not frame lah.
Hahaha! I love when you spam! Go ahead :D. <3 and thank you for th wishes ^_^.
Donna : hahaha! I am glad you like what you see here :P.
Pretty face? Picture only... Real life I don't look like that one... Why hide it? Cause I afraid of stalkers :(.
Pikey : Thanks Pikey ^_^.
reanaclaire : alamak fu chai seong... one panda bear, one polar bear? :P
ahahaha! Thanks for the compliments :).
Mei Teng : I don't use makeup either unless for occassions. I can't handle my face having make up on hahaha :P. Thanks for the compliments ^_^.
Pete : Finally get to see the person behind the blog :P.
Thanks for the compliments on behlf of the photographer ;).
BengBeng : I am glad to share it with my friends ^_^. Thank you!
foongpc : Hahaha! Well, because so many people wanted to know how the author of the blog looks like... foong have to show me how you look like one day too! You can email me hahaha!
Double posting... I know you're just trying to increase comment counts! :P
LV - Louis Vuitton? Ooooh means I am well-known hahaha.
Thank you! Turning into one? Turning to a big ball yea? :P (Getting fatter) hahaha.
SK : Hahaha! Looks normal right? :P
Wa sweet smile? Thank you thank you :P.
Life Ramblings : Yea finally revealed myself :P. Thanks for the compliments and the wishes ^_^.
It is weird... I don't my smile though >_<
Cascia : Thank you so much ^_^.
Rose : Maybe over the camera it isn't heavy, but in real life it was strong! I think the makeup artist put like 4 layers to cover me up hahaha.
Peonies? I am not sure :P. The restaurant made them... we didn't request for anything special hehehe.
My Wedding isn't even here yet... we still got another one to go through for. :/ So understand how it feels.
Oh thanks for the wishes ^_^.
Ayie : I like the natural look much better too :). Afterall, my face feels uncomfortable with makeup on hehehe.
Why hide? because I don't see myself being pretty. The photos are fake I tell you! Fake! :P. But the main reason is why... I don't want people to know who am I over the net... and I am afraid of stalkers :/.
Ooh white gold too? Well, I wanted a simple band really. I don't even like the diamond haha. But because my husband like the band he had for this design, so I thought heck one diamond is fine :P.
You owe me an email, Ayie :P. Hope things are all ok.
Salitype : Thank you so much ^_^. I blushing from all the comments here haha.
Thank you thank you :).
molly : Oh thank you ^_^. You don't know how much I am blushing now hehe~
My partner big size can protect me? hahaha! :P. I think it is a good thing he is big size! Make me look smaller don't you think? :P.
Oh everyone is pretty. Everyone have their values of prettiness :) and I am sure you do too. Do show us who is behind the blog one day ^_^.
u look sweet with or w/o makeup..
wenn : Thanks alot, wenn ^_^.
willie : It was cool that evening alright hahaa :P. (just being lame)
It's so good to see you in photo :)
Now I have an idea of who you are ;) Thanks for religiously visiting my blog sites :)
Joanne : ^__^. Finally know how is behind the blog :P.
Your blogs do fancy me to keep returning hehehe.
finally the legendary ladyviral revealed! :D and how sweet the wedding! awww! congratulations again!!! :D
and he's straight? darn... :P
Ladyviral, Congratulation to you and your price charming! Agreed with Wenn you look sweet w/o makeup ;) But most important you and your price charming have a wonderful moment @ ROM :) The flowers deco and rings look very cool!
Finally you had come out of your closet. Wow! :D You look great with or without makeup. You and your buns surely look proud and happy. :D
congratulation! i am one of the lucky ones not having to guess too long on how you look like. :p you n your husband looks sweet together. wishing you lots of happiness! ;)
Oh I see u now! with makeup ~ u look mature ; without makeup ~ u look natural but anyway, u r pretty girl! U & ur hubby are both very tall huh...
Nice pix & congrats again!
conan : Hahah! You didn't have to wait that long either :P.
Yea he is straight XD.
Ben : Thank you ^_^. Oh yea the flower are beautiful... the rings took us some time to find :P. We were nearly giving up on the ring haha.
Tekkaus : Yea so next time if you bumped to m ein the malls or somewhere make sure to say hi! :P
my buns <~~~ haha
levian : Hahah yea :P. Lucky you ^_^. So when do I get to see how you look like? hehee.
Thank you so much ^_^.
Dora : Mature with makeup? I think it is the angle :P. The other one is just me trying to act cute? hahaha
Thank you so much :).
finally get to see u too! u looked gorgeous! :D cant see your wedding photos next time round :D
xin : Hahaha! So when can I see you? :P Thank you for the compliments ^_^. Wedding photos? See how lah :P.
actually i had posted myself before. just that you'd missed it for being a new visitor. first choice would be you checking back my old entries, or second, you can just sit tight n wait for me to post it again next time. ;)
levian : Oooh I see :P. Well, a new picture would always be nice ^_^. Unless of course there isn't much change :P.
Adeline leng leng, you're looking absolutely radiant! :) Congrats on your marriage, babe :)
Agnes : Agnes Leng Leng! Thanks for the compliment and the wishes ^_^. <3
i will share you too some of my pics =) will update you soon
Congratulations! It looks like a wonderful day and you look gorgeous. You're very beautiful without make-up too. :)
Ayie : Oh I would love to see them ^_^.
sunnymama : Thank you, hun ^_^. You just made me blush again.
there is always changes, just .. not much. :p
levian : true that haha... I change from time to time too.. in the looks.
I tried searching for your picture in your blog, you need to give me hints! haha
Congratulation on your marriage!
alright, here you go! try searching for "graduation". :p
smallkucing : Thank you ^_^.
levian : Hahaha. thanks Levian!
But I actually found out yesterday :P. I was free so I scrolled through all your archives. ^_^.
aww, thanks for being interested! you are such a sweet person. ;)
levian : It is fun ^_^. I do that when I am free a lot :P. Sweet? Better not tell the ants then o_o.
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