I travelled to Singapore on the 10th September 2009 to go to the Registrar of Marriage to make my declarations. I usually travel on the last flight of the day, but because Wednesday’s flight at night was costly, I decided to travel the first flight of Thursday.
Waking up at 5:30am to prepare to go out at about 6:30am for my flight was scheduled at 8:25am.
As I arrived at LCCT at 7:15am, check-in and I walked around a bit. After being so, I decided to have my breakfast at Café Espresso (where I blogged about it being a dirty place here ).
I ordered a Beef Pie and an Earl Grey Tea.

The beef pie was simple, but the beef inside was sure tasty. Not a lot of beef pie can bring out the beef I like. Yummy~ I won’t mind having this again even though the cleanliness of the place still has yet to improve.
Beef Pie closer view of the beef inside with some corn.
The Receipt
And this cost me? RM17.80; surely I did not expect outside price, after all this is an AIRPORT.
Soon it was time for me to board my flight and since I haven’t taken day flight before, I was fascinated by the view outside the window in the airplane.
Beautiful isn’t it?
I can see the river!

Sandwiched between clouds.
It was a really beautiful sight. I saw fisherman village too. I have them seen on television before, but not in real life. But since we were about to land, I wasn’t really allowed to have any electronics on though I did steal some shots even though I am not allowed to then but the fisherman village passed by too fast that I missed my chance. If I get the opportunity again, I will try to take them and show :) it was really a beautiful sight.
Waking up at 5:30am to prepare to go out at about 6:30am for my flight was scheduled at 8:25am.
As I arrived at LCCT at 7:15am, check-in and I walked around a bit. After being so, I decided to have my breakfast at Café Espresso (where I blogged about it being a dirty place here ).
I ordered a Beef Pie and an Earl Grey Tea.

The beef pie was simple, but the beef inside was sure tasty. Not a lot of beef pie can bring out the beef I like. Yummy~ I won’t mind having this again even though the cleanliness of the place still has yet to improve.
Beef Pie closer view of the beef inside with some corn.

The Receipt

Soon it was time for me to board my flight and since I haven’t taken day flight before, I was fascinated by the view outside the window in the airplane.

I can see the river!

Sandwiched between clouds.

firstly, i want to congratulate you on your declaration.. :)
am i correct in saying this? i m afraid i might be making a blunder again and again.. forgive me if i did...
2ndly, hope you have a great wonderful times ahead...
reanaclaire : Hehehe :P.
Declaration is just to go to the R.O.M. to declare I am single :P and that I am not married anywhere else. But Yes Still can congratulate me since I managed to make it back to post this means my declaration was successful hehe~
i don't take beef..would love chicken pie..
I have only flown AirAsia one time. Their flight times are always in the wee hours of the morning isn't?
I had McDs at the KLIA before boarding my flight to Perth.
that sure is a lovely view from the plane..
the tea cost more than half the price of the pie.that's quite pricey, isn't it?
yeah, airports are not always known for best foods, lucky your's is tasty and lot more to be desired when it comes to cleanliness.
oh lucky you, you've got something nice.. i remembered the last time i was getting an early flight to SG too, i had the worst Nasi Lemak i had in my life.. from the what Asia Kitchen.. totally terrible taste, and it cost like 3 times more than a normal plate outside..
u want kahwin already!!
congrates... hehehehe...
Wow! You are married LV! Congrates! Congrates! Why didn't belanja us to your wedding dinner? LOL :D
my favourite thing to do.. looking our from an airplane window!!
Congratulations on your marriage! When is the wedding dinner?
Ya, when is the ceremony and dinner.
Got take photo oredi? When can we see them? :D
eekkk... so early had to go to airport.
Like you, I always take the last flight. Easy - board place and zzzzz... wake up, arrive at destination.
Of course, S'pore is just 45 minutes away, so cannot zzz for too long.
congratulations :)
Yeah, very expensive eating at the airport!
But just as expensive eating in the plane! So best not to eat anything. Haha!
What! You want the bring the whole plane down? Not supposed to switch on camera when about to land!
Yeah, make sure you take the photos of the fisherman village next time. Even if it means danger to everyone on board! LOL!
Congrats.....wedding coming soon?
Ooh the beef pie looks awesome! We had a lot of flights with Air Asia. Philippines to Malaysia and Malaysia to Thailand...
Love the pictures of the cloudes, i did the same thing. i'll try to post it when I find time
Congrats on your singlehood, LV! *hugs*
So going married soon?... yeah show us the fisherman village if u have the opportunity next time.
RM6.90 for a cup of Ahmad tea's Earl Grey...! I have a box of Ahmad tea here & u can come to my hse, selling u RM2.50 per cup. hehehe :-)
I love to eat pie, esp beef pie or mutton pie.
I miss the pie made by my sister those days. Now she has forgotten the recipe. :):)
Congratulation for the declaration.
A massive congratulation to you!!!! HUwa... interesting experienced on flight....
Looks like a great flight. Congratulations.
No doubt..the meal at airport is really that expensive.. =_="
BTW< congratulation! somebody is getting married! Yes!! heheheh!
Busy with wedding kah? No updates? LOL!
any photos to show us? :D
ya lor, wat happen to this woman? Too busy choosing wedding dress izit? ;)
wenn : Their chicken pie wasn't something I wanted.. another lady that was there took the chicken pie too... it was all good I presume she left it more than half not eaten o_o;
Mei Teng : Air Asia? I don't know I took Tigerariways. But they have flight throughout the day.. I just prefer the night ones because it is less tiring and faster too.
McD in KLIA? Special price too.
Salitype : Yea thank god it was yummy, else I would be wasting it off again :(.
Yep the view is beautiful... I enjoyed it :).
SK : Oh the Asia Kitchen ... I think it was th eplace where I paid RM5 for a small styrofoam Milo -_-. I never ate nor drank there again. At least this Cafe Express though dirty, but they served their drink in a ceramic mug.
~dolly~ : Old aunty liao.. need to kahwin else later no body want hahaha. :P
Tekkaus : Only sign paper nia... Wedding dinner not yet... not sure if there will be one.. if there is will come? XD
Pikey : Ye aI know I enjoy that too! Well, it is the only one thing we can do to relax our eyes while on board a flight hehehe.
Wedding dinner? not sure... maybe one year or two years later. Still planing and saving money for it :P.
lina : Not yet haha. Photos not yet... Only go signed certificate only hehe. But got also I probably won't post here leh =x. Takut...
Yea night flights are nicer.. in fact night flights are much more cooler too! hahaha
BengBeng : Thank you! :)
foongpc : It is! It is like being charge in Genting Highlands price and more! hahaha..
Aiyar! I shot nice pictures for you, you complain :P.
Actually the electornics thing on board is just dumb.. they are actually just afraid that mobile phones and wireless internet that tries to receive reception will interrupt their navigation system. Which is why they allowed you to turn on in the air but not when taking off and landing hahaha.
But yes I will try to take! I will need to sit further behind then :P.
Pete : Not yet not yet :P. Like I said,, maybe one year or two years later :P.
Tes : Oh yes it was.. I liked it because it was fresh and of course the beef was yummy. They didn't like throw so much flour in that the beef taste was gone.
You took shots of your flights too? Oh I can't wait to see them :).
Thaks for the wishes... no more single :P.
Dora : Oh I will when I get the next chance again :).
RM2.50 ar? Ok! I will come visit some day! hahaha :P.
molly : Oh I love pies too! Even fruits pies yummy~
Your sister forgot the recipe? Alamak! How can forget one? :x
keeyit : Thanks alot!
zamspotte : thanks! Oh yes it was.. I never been on day flight before :P.
Cascia : Yep.. thank God the clouds weren't dark else I would be afraid to be on that flight hehee..
~Elaine~ : Yea.. airport price.. slaughter of the tourist land... >.<
Waaa thanks! Looks like you're more exicted than I am haha.
Pete : Ooopps sorry.. not wedding.. work :(.
xin : doubt any personal photos be up here XD. I don't show myself.. shy... scared...hehehe
lina : haha I wish too... :P But sadly it is work that is getting to me...
that pie looks good!
airport price is always high no matter where...
you bad...not allowed then doing your stuff! i hardly even turn on any of my device on air hehehe
Ayie : It does! I would love to have another again next trip I am going there hehehe :P.
Er... Well, but but but... if I didn't you all won't get to see nice clouds! :P They did allowed us to turn it on when we are in the air.
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