First of all I would like to apologize for the silence in posting. I was busy with work and by the time I get home, I get so tired I get lazy to type, so I end up just playing game with my hubby. Also to apologize for not being able to visit your blogs for the time being. I will catch up soon again :). But here I shall continue my posting.
10th September 2009; Thursday; Afternoon
We headed to the Registry of Marriage office to declare our singlehood.
They gave us an appointment time of 3:00pm – 4:00pm and insist that we are only to go on that time when we called to check if we can re-schedule the appointment time.
Ok so first thing you thought would be “Appointment time scheduled by them so shouldn’t be such a hassle or long wait” We were wrong, upon reaching there, presenting them the document they emailed us, we still had to take number! What?! Yep you read that right, take number and wait in queue. Hahaha! Ever wonder what the appointment time was for? I don’t know either, I forgot to ask :P.
There were massive of people!
Look at all the couples, of course some were here to sign their beautiful name on the certificate, some were also here like hubby and I for the declaration.
Hubby and I were clad VERY casually! Shorts, T-Shirt and Slippers hahaha! We were so out of place because every there was so nicely dressed! Gasps! We felt so underdressed. But well, we were comfortable :P.
There is the door to a new life!
Everyone who was there to sign the Certificate of Marriage will go in there and come out as man and wife. I wanted to take pictures of some of the happy couples, but I was shy… they might think I am crazy hehehe.
Look at the decoration outside the door to new life (that is the only decoration by the way).
Nice yea? I liked it a lot. I wonder how other countries Registrar of Marriage office looks like. In fact how does Malaysia’s Registrar of Marriage look like?
After the declaration session, hubby and I decided to go walk a bit and I saw this place!
Hand Burger.
I thought it was Hard Burger at first. Well, my hubby thinks it is Hard Burger! Hahaha! So this is burgers made out of hand meat?! Hahaha... I am sure it means hand made burgers :P.
Hand Price.
Not cheap for this Hand Burgers! McDonald’s is cheaper! We didn’t try the Hand Burger out, I was full and tired then so all I wanted was to go home and sleep hahaha. Maybe next time we will try if we remember where we saw it.
Well, that is all for today, you get more soon :P. Anyone got pictures of other country's Registrar of Marriage office to show? Or maybe tried this Hand Burger before?
10th September 2009; Thursday; Afternoon
We headed to the Registry of Marriage office to declare our singlehood.

Ok so first thing you thought would be “Appointment time scheduled by them so shouldn’t be such a hassle or long wait” We were wrong, upon reaching there, presenting them the document they emailed us, we still had to take number! What?! Yep you read that right, take number and wait in queue. Hahaha! Ever wonder what the appointment time was for? I don’t know either, I forgot to ask :P.
There were massive of people!

Hubby and I were clad VERY casually! Shorts, T-Shirt and Slippers hahaha! We were so out of place because every there was so nicely dressed! Gasps! We felt so underdressed. But well, we were comfortable :P.
There is the door to a new life!

Look at the decoration outside the door to new life (that is the only decoration by the way).

After the declaration session, hubby and I decided to go walk a bit and I saw this place!
Hand Burger.

Hand Price.

Well, that is all for today, you get more soon :P. Anyone got pictures of other country's Registrar of Marriage office to show? Or maybe tried this Hand Burger before?
Yay! I'm the FC! Woot~ :D
I don't have. Haha :D Anyway congrates LV! must be very happy now huh!
Tekkaus : Waaa FC ar.. hehehe sadly I got no FC thingy here :P.
Thanks again! Don't have those R.O.M. office pictures.. faster go take hahaha! Happy ar? Same same leh... :P
Yes, congrats to you and your hubby in starting the new life! :)
I wonder why they named the eatery HandBurger??
firstly, congrats to u once again..
2ndly, i would love to see both of u in shorts and slippers.. can ah? :)
Mei Teng : Thanks again! Well, not fully yet we are still apart haha :P.
I don't know XD. But I think it is Hand Made Burger? Not sure but next time I try I will know I guess hehe :).
reanaclaire : Thanks again. haha. Realized keep making people congrtulate me leh :P.
See both of us in shorts and slipper? Why leh... we shy...
The registrar office looks very nice! Wear shorts never mind....go in hand in hand....he he he!
Pete : Hahaha! We did of course :P. As long as we are honest.. not go there lie hor? hahaha
congrates for your new life..
i dont have also.. XD
still single wat..
but not available only..
Never mind how you dressed. Pamela Anderson wore a bikini on her wedding day, kan? LOL
You know, if you go to the registry office in Putrajaya, they even provided wedding dais for you to take photos? For Indian got, for Chinese got...
My fren registered her marriage there, and wore very nice saree la... like going to a mini wedding.
Rin : Thanks alot :D
~Dolly : Erm.. cough cough... not available cause you are my ar? :D.
You stll young mar... hehehe
lina : Waa waa wa.. Pam really wore bikini? That I didn't know hahaha... but then again she is a celebrity... I am a beside who stands beides themain stars of the day and not get nown lah hahaha.
Putrajaya give such service? Nee to pay kah? Ataupun, photographer no longer got job... all going to this places for jobs? :P
no lah, those dais were just a small ones. For photo taking purpose after you register your wedding. But in photos, look quite nice...
Also got those wedding arch, so you can pose lovey-dovey with your new hubby. All free (if I'm not mistaken) for those registering their marriage at Putrajaya NRD office.
congrats to both of you. wishing you happiness, peace and goood health always. *hugs*
how come no picture of u and hubs? :(
congrats to the both of u. for yr info on that particular day, we were both dressed smartly :)
Congratulations! May you be blessed with many children and grandchildren!
Talking about scheduling the time slot and still have to take a number, I think the reason is quite simple. There are simply too many people wanting to get married and they don't want everyone to jam in at 8:00AM and wait until 5:00PM.So, the scheduling is just for spreading the people out. Anyway, the important thing is that you got the paper signed! Congratulations again.
nice..soon.both of u would be married according the the culture..
The ROM office in S'pore is so nice as compared to the lousy one here.
Congrats again to u & ur hubby!
finally an update!
why didn't dress up? well at least you're comfy...
when i got married we had to go to the US embassy in the Phils to get clearances for my hubs since he's not a filipino citizen though he's half filipino. but our marriage was solemnizedd through a church wedding.
did you receive my email? it's long!! hehehe
Wow, singapore ROM office is totally different from M'sia one...
M'sia ROM is more to traditional office with lots of fake flowers =_=" Not as standard as yours... :)
Me still single too.....Hehehe!
lina : Well, I am not sure if there any dais in the room after the door hahaha :P. Maybe there is lah but I only get to see outside mar hahaha.
All free ar? Be surprised it is charged in the registration fee already :P.
Life Ramblings : Thanks again :).
Pictures ar... we are both camera shy? :P Kidding... well, actually I kept a private blogging. Try not to have so much of pictures of me and hubby. Don't want to end up having stalkers? ahaha :P.
BengBeng : Thanks again. Dressed smartly ar? Hubby and I were dressed like we were going to the beach hahaha :P.
William : Thanks again~
Oh that sounds about right. Guess it is better that way then to make people go queue early in the morning and then they need to wait until afternoon.. makes a hell worse.
wenn : Eventually we would hehee... hope it all goes well then.
Dora : Really? I think I should go to the R.O.M. office in KL one day and see hahaha :P. Maybe even check out the Putrajaya one Lina mentioned.
Ayie : your hubs is not a Philipine citizen? O.o
Oh we didn't dress up because we didn't think of it to be so huge! Everyone was clad in either dresses or working clothes or even gowns (for those who are signing there I guess) and we were in shorts and slippers hahahaha! It was funny :P.
Oh I got your email... my reply is still in the draft >.> I haven't been finishing the mail... Apologies!
~Elaine~ : You been too Malaysia's R.O.M. office before? Wow I need to go see! Maybe take some pictures too! Hahaha :P I wonder if they will let me o_o.
single ar? Can I be yours? :P
hehehe.. i am loyal one.. XD
~dolly~ : Loyal ar? I know you can't resist me :P. I am too cute! hahaha :P
I guess people usually wear nicely cos they are going to start a new life starting at this point! But I think wear anything also can, as long as you are comfortable. Haha!
So it's an appointment within an appointment? Strange : )
Handburger? Now that's funny. Hamburger I know, handburger first time I hear! Maybe the person does not know how to spell hamburger. Haha! : )
foongpc : That sounds so much like Chinese New Year hahaha :P.
Appointment within appointment? More like Queue within appointment :P.
Maybe... that or they think Hamburger always read Handburger? Eats with the hand anyway hahaha :P.
he's born here in US that's why....
i got your email...i will have to compose my long one for my reply this time! hahaha
Ayie : OH no wonder.
Hahaha. Looks like we enjoyed long email.. but go ahead :). Always do enjoy a long one. ^_^
Really helpful information, lots of thanks for your post.
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