So I have finally watched Twilight.
After like so many of my friends kept asking me to watch it saying "It is really nice!" Ok so I did. Eventually everyone made a huu ha out of it… ended up my expectations was REALLY high. Only to be disappointed sorry to say because I was expecting the whole lot of vampire action but to find a whole show of lovey dovey. Of course I never did read a review of it nor try to find out about it… guess I should of asked my friends who made a WOW over it haha. Then again, I didn’t want the story to be told because I know if I asked… they won’t stop blabbing all about it. So now that I know it is a love story, I watched it a second time to find it more suitable for the feeling (when I was expecting actions, I wanted actions and would get disappointed if I didn’t get any).
So Twilight was a nice movie. I have seen it a few times now. Wonder what was it that attracted me to watch it a few times? It is either the forbidden love or the whole vampire thing? Well, to be honest I always loved vampires, since I was young and in fact always thought of being one if I ever have a chance haha. Like won’t anybody? Look at them, if they work throughout the lives they are in without the need to buy food or necessities; they’re already dead; all their money can be used to buy assets, expensive cars, shopping for the ladies! Wow now isn’t that a magnificent life? Look how rich the Cullen’s are? A huge house with all glass, a Volvo S60R, BMW M3 convertible and others of course (More of the other cars here – warned of spoiler ahead in this website. It answers it, it is the vampire… of course I was astonished by the scenery and oh I love the part where they played baseball!
Oh look at that waterfall! Don’t you just love such places?
(For those who want to watch it, the video is kind of dark or it may just be my monitor)
You just got to love the music too when they are playing baseball too! Super Massive Blackhole by Muse.
So you probably be wondering “Now now isn’t it the lovey dovey that caught your attention?” No really… it isn’t. After the movie, all I could think of was being a vampire haha. I dreamt I was a vampire too and definitely not in the Cullen family or with Edward Cullen; a vampire of course with super inhuman strengths, invisibility, teleportation and more haha.
Anyway, so since I know it is a love story movie now, I will be anticipating for the next one Twilight : New Moon. I saw the trailer.
Looks like we get werewolf too now… ooooh… Seems like action will begin! Not letting my hopes go up too high now on the action part, I will keep idea it is still a love movie.
So what do you think of Twilight?

So Twilight was a nice movie. I have seen it a few times now. Wonder what was it that attracted me to watch it a few times? It is either the forbidden love or the whole vampire thing? Well, to be honest I always loved vampires, since I was young and in fact always thought of being one if I ever have a chance haha. Like won’t anybody? Look at them, if they work throughout the lives they are in without the need to buy food or necessities; they’re already dead; all their money can be used to buy assets, expensive cars, shopping for the ladies! Wow now isn’t that a magnificent life? Look how rich the Cullen’s are? A huge house with all glass, a Volvo S60R, BMW M3 convertible and others of course (More of the other cars here – warned of spoiler ahead in this website. It answers it, it is the vampire… of course I was astonished by the scenery and oh I love the part where they played baseball!
Oh look at that waterfall! Don’t you just love such places?
(For those who want to watch it, the video is kind of dark or it may just be my monitor)
You just got to love the music too when they are playing baseball too! Super Massive Blackhole by Muse.
So you probably be wondering “Now now isn’t it the lovey dovey that caught your attention?” No really… it isn’t. After the movie, all I could think of was being a vampire haha. I dreamt I was a vampire too and definitely not in the Cullen family or with Edward Cullen; a vampire of course with super inhuman strengths, invisibility, teleportation and more haha.
Anyway, so since I know it is a love story movie now, I will be anticipating for the next one Twilight : New Moon. I saw the trailer.
Looks like we get werewolf too now… ooooh… Seems like action will begin! Not letting my hopes go up too high now on the action part, I will keep idea it is still a love movie.
So what do you think of Twilight?
Well...vampire don't fight all the time right? Hahaha lovey dovey u say....hahaha
I like the movie to be a combination of action and lovey dovey. Haha!
But yes, I love the music! : )
You want to be a vampire? Haha! Well, it does seem cool, but my version of vampires seem to change with times.
Last time, long time ago, vampires to me are like pure evil, think Cound Dracula.
Then, it was scary like Salem's Lot. Vampires then knock on your windows at night to get invited into your house.
Then, it was interesting and powerful like Lestat in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. So far this is still my favourite vampire story with all the myths and how vampires are created.
And now, there's Twilight : )
Willie : Well, true vampires don't find all the time. But lovey dovey throughout the movie?! I was expecting action lah. Not lovey dovey. haha. But then afte rIknew it was all Romance, it was ok. :)
I have not watched this movie but heard alot about it in the media.
foongpc : A combination of action and lovey dovey. Yes.. but Twillight kind of falls into a VERY deep lovey dovey category :P. But like I said when I watched it at first I was like in the mood to see action... then second time watching it, I knew it would be all romance, I had a different expectation then haha.
Yea somehow Vampires keep changing then again I think it is up to people's imaginations. Some still say Vampires are afraid of silver, garlics and daylights, like in True Blood.
Some would say they walk the earths like normal humans regardless of sunlight or not and not even afraid of crosses... damn invicible vampires!
Twillight is a whole different vampires. They glow like diamonds! Wonder if we can sell them skin :P.
But yes I want to be a vampire. Would be nice to fly everywhere in bat form haha.
Mei Teng Took me some time to watch this movie too. I wasn't all too excited over to be the first few to watch it. But well, if you're into Romance, this is a movie good to watch. Guess I gave some spoiler for you :P.
I avoid seeing scary movie because I am often alone at home. So I think this movie I will just let go. Anyway I have not really seen a gost/vampire movie before. :)
яіи†akase : haha. Yea so does every other girl think so! Did you all think he was cute in Harry Potter?
Molly : Oh Molly trust me, there is no horror or scary stuffs in this movie. ALOT of ROMANCE. You ought to watch it and see for yourself.
When I expected to see action / horror / scary parts, I nearly fell asleep because I thought it would be that.. :P But behold! It is a love story, so yea~
I haven't watched it but I will read the book first :P
I got the whole set of Twilight series. I mean, the books :)
Aiyo, the death no need to eat food, sounds scary to a Foodie like me leh! LOL
I haven't watched the movie yet but i guess i'm not the only one in the world who still hasn't seen it.
same here, haven't watched it =)
does it beat the classic interview with the vampire? hehe's okay. I heard how ppl were raving about some guy from Twilight! :)
Brian Kinney : Ooooh the book? I heard the book is much more intriguing than the movie.. but guess it is up to people's imagination. :P
Pete : rofl! Well, the dead eat them raw :P. Filled with blood... Ayie would faint :P.
Life Ramblings : and here I thought I was the only one who haven't watched it.. looks like there are more who hasn't hahaha! Watch it if you love ROMANCE.
Ayie : Interview with the Vampire, the one I recall is Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt (no one remember Kirsten Dunst in there she is too young hahaha). Well, that movie talks about Vampires! Twillight talks about vampire and LOVE. Love is bold on purpose cause I really think it is filled with it. :P
Mei Teng : Yea that would be Edward Cullen that is played by Robert Pattison.
I believe is the way he looked at Bella... those painful, loving, wanting to eat her up eyes :P. But have to admit compare him in Twillight to Harry Potter : The Goblet of Fire, he looks better in Twillight.
Too bad I prefer Jasper played by Jackson Rathbone.
LOL. my colleague is so so into this movie! gosh. well, i expected more vampy fighting bloody scenes too, but who knows its a love story instead. -_-
xin : Yea! haha... I was like bored when through out the movie it was all romance haha. I had to watch it a second time with the expectations of LOVE to really get into the movie haha.
hehe i find those 2 older vampires "hotter" than the newbies
Ayie : oh yea! But I find Dr. Carlisle Cullen looking weird at most but looks good only at the baseball game scene hehe. Esme definitely looks good and doesn't look like a Vampire haha.
hehehe, that's how it is!
Ayie : hahaha! Yep it is ;).
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