Yea so I am outdated with this hahaha. So many people have already seen or probably talked about it already. I am sloooooow.
The main cast, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen Twilight.
So Robert Pattinson became the “Oh so Gorgeous!” male in Twilight to a lot of females.
The constant comments of “Edward Cullen is to die for!” There is even a Facebook fan page just for him… and no, not for Robert Pattison, it is for Edward Cullen haha Edward’s Facebook. I am sure there is another one for Robert Pattinson or maybe even every cast there is. But a lot of people I know seem to be in this one. Look at that 111,728 fans.
Did anyone notice him when he played as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter : The Goblet of Fire?
If you said NO, then I believe it is his not so lovey eyes or vampy eyes? That or the star wasn’t him, so no one paid attention.
If you said YES, wow you really are a Robert Pattinson fan.
Kristen Stewart is also the main talk about now (of course probably not as much as Megan Fox but still… ).
So did you know she also acted in Panic Room with Jodie Foster as her in show daughter?
Do you see the resemblance?
I on the other hand prefer Jackson Rathbone who played Jasper Cullen in Twilight.
He looks really simple.
This picture is a younger him I believe.
In Twilight.
I guess I like the cool look of him portraying Jasper Cullen.
For the female cast I prefer Nikki Reed as Rosalie Cullen.
She reminds me of Brooke Shields.
In Twilight.
She is the one who doesn’t like Bella. But I guess is how she look so elegant and the big sister thing that makes me like her.
Did you notice Robert Pattinson in Harry Potter? Did you know Kristen Stewart was the little girl in Panic Room? Who is your favorite cast from Twilight?
The main cast, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen Twilight.

So Robert Pattinson became the “Oh so Gorgeous!” male in Twilight to a lot of females.

The constant comments of “Edward Cullen is to die for!” There is even a Facebook fan page just for him… and no, not for Robert Pattison, it is for Edward Cullen haha Edward’s Facebook. I am sure there is another one for Robert Pattinson or maybe even every cast there is. But a lot of people I know seem to be in this one. Look at that 111,728 fans.
Did anyone notice him when he played as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter : The Goblet of Fire?

If you said NO, then I believe it is his not so lovey eyes or vampy eyes? That or the star wasn’t him, so no one paid attention.
If you said YES, wow you really are a Robert Pattinson fan.
Kristen Stewart is also the main talk about now (of course probably not as much as Megan Fox but still… ).

So did you know she also acted in Panic Room with Jodie Foster as her in show daughter?

I on the other hand prefer Jackson Rathbone who played Jasper Cullen in Twilight.
He looks really simple.

In Twilight.

For the female cast I prefer Nikki Reed as Rosalie Cullen.
She reminds me of Brooke Shields.

In Twilight.

Did you notice Robert Pattinson in Harry Potter? Did you know Kristen Stewart was the little girl in Panic Room? Who is your favorite cast from Twilight?
so many people have watched it except me :)
BengBeng : Naw you're not the only one... Alot of people have yet to watch it too. A number of my commentors have not.
Beng, I can shake hand with u.. we r backdated.. hahaha...
Somehow, Nikki Reed looks better as a brunette than a blond.
reanaclaire : haha. Well, you can shake hands with a lot of people :P.
Mei Teng : yea she does. I think being blonde in the show is just to potray the fair Vampy side. I like her as a brunette, she remind me of Brooke Shields there, I always liked Brooke Shields :).
Wait! He was celdric? Geee... I didn't notice him. Anyway, If i put lots of white makeup on my white and perm my hair bigger, will ladies like me too? Hahahhaha just kiddo.
Willie : Yep he was! Who would of noticed him in Harry Potter :P
Hahaha! Well, you could always try, Willie. Let me how the responses are after. Hahaha.
i don't know any of the stars except Jodie Foster. i'm so out of this world. HA!
Life Ramblings : I know! I never knew this people too :P except Nikki Reed, heard of her name before. I knew Jodie Foster too haha she is popular. I love her in Silence of the Lamb.
knew about stewart and pattinson... wow, you're getting into twilight now huh
Ayie : Wow... Ayie really observant! To be honest, I didn't know Stewart was in Panic Room until I saw her in Twilight to relaized she looked familiar haha.
Naw, just looking for something to talk about. Since like oh so many people is crazy over this movie and like over Edward Cullen, so I thought "hmmm wonder if this people knew he was in Harry Potter" and came the rest haha.
now i guess you are crazy of twilight :D
hmm. i got the book but haven't read it yet. soon... soon :)
Brian Kinney : Oh no... Just joining the late craze hahaha. I mean it is the talk about topic.. like I said, it started with "did anyone notice Robert Pattinson in Harry Potter?" and the rest juat came about, I can't just be talking about Pattinson only hahha.
Wow, a little make up and hair style change can sure make someone looks different!
Pete : Yep it can. it can make me look beautiful too if I have a good make-up artist haha!
oh no, didn't really lernt that from observing alone. I heard it was mentioned or read somewhere. haha
Ayie : haha! Ooops.. Well, least you knew. I didn't haha :P.
Yesterday I was watching Jimmy Kimmel and Megan Fox, they showed some clips of Transformers 2... and since you mentioned her pants being clean and all, I did notice it after haha.
Oh! I didn't know that was Kristen Stewart in Panic Room! She was much younger then, right?
seeeee....i made a point right there, agree?
foongpc : Yep she was! Very young. Not sure how old was she then though. But yes you're not the only who didn't know haha.
Ayie : Oh yes you did indeed! I totally agree ;)
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