Some time back Lina posted about a drink from Japan, Calpis. Of course it got me all excited! I wanted to try it! I was waiting to see one day if I go to Jusco to buy which is where Lina bought hers from. But I didn’t go to Jusco… and I was eager to try (lina’s fault for making me want it so much! :P)!
One day I went to USJ 10, Taipan and I saw 100¥en shop.

Ok I was bored after dinner with my colleague so I figured lets go in to take a look around. Then it came to me when I walked in and saw their fridge of drinks! Calpis… (insert zombie sound here for brains and change it to Calpis). First thing I searched for, Calpis Water. Oh to my Delight!
I got Calpis Water and a Calpis Soda!

Calpis Water is made of Yogurt and Citric Acid mixture (of course with other stuffs that I don’t know of). Calpis tasted so yummy! Milk-ish, Sweet, yet slightly Sour-ish (Well, least I think so hahaha) and of course slightly carbonated, only slightly(in my opinion-lah)! Calpis Soda is mixture of Lactose and Citric Acid (I think) and this one is much more carbonated compared to Calpis Water. Both still taste delicious nonetheless! I enjoyed it definitely… I want more… It was selling for RM5.90 in the shop for the 500ml bottle. No they got no bigger bottle T.T
Then I got Cream Collon.

The packaging inside.

The content inside the packaging!

This is one of my childhood snacks. I used to love it when I was a child and always pester my mommy to buy them for me haha. This is vanilla flavored and only flavor there is in the shop. I still prefer Strawberry :P. This was also RM5.90, kind of expensive in my opinion, but for a genuine Japan product it is worth it once in a while ^_^.
Lina! I tried Calpis Drinks! I love it a lot and now I want more! RAWR! Thank you for introducing Calpis Drink to me ^__^. For those who love milk, this is something you should not miss out :) (I wonder if I will get any commission for promoting Calpis Water for them haha!). Now I need to search for their flavored ones…
Edited : For those who wants to find their store in Malaysia please click here. SK and Lina has mentioned other places too like, Isetan and Shojikiya would carry Calpis too :).
One day I went to USJ 10, Taipan and I saw 100¥en shop.
I got Calpis Water and a Calpis Soda!
Then I got Cream Collon.
Lina! I tried Calpis Drinks! I love it a lot and now I want more! RAWR! Thank you for introducing Calpis Drink to me ^__^. For those who love milk, this is something you should not miss out :) (I wonder if I will get any commission for promoting Calpis Water for them haha!). Now I need to search for their flavored ones…
Edited : For those who wants to find their store in Malaysia please click here. SK and Lina has mentioned other places too like, Isetan and Shojikiya would carry Calpis too :).

now i feel like trying it too! i love milky yogurt :D
Oh I remember cream collon. Used to love eating it when I was a child. Nowadays, I don't crave for it.
We have one 100¥en shop here too. Never been there as it's on the other side of the road...from the direction I always go. Have to go all the way up to the junction and come down again. I hear the things are expensive...and they sell food too - also expensive and not that great! That's why I never bother to drop by.
since u mentioned it, i will go try this drink.. over here ipoh, there is also one branch too..
Oh! They have one over here too.
My daughters can't have enough of Calpis drinks. They over drink them whenever I buy them. Caplis is sooo addictive! Korean have a similar version too. Have you tried carbonated Calpis? They have it in melon and strawberry flavors. I prefer the original non-carbonated version.
Hahahaha!!!! So happy to hear you tried Calpis! Yeay!
After this, try the fruit flavoured one pulak. Got grape, peach, lemon, etc... They are all nice.
But don't drink too much. It'll cause serious dent to your wallet! LOL
Hmmm... wonder whether got Calpis at Daiso or not. Hehehe
Anyways, I quite cheapo, so I buy my Calpis at the discounted corner in Jusco Supermarket at RM3.95. Almost expired (1 month) Calpis. Huhuhu
hmm...does it taste like yogurt drink? mebe i shud go and try as well! hehe...
I love Creme Collon when I wasyoung. Love the chocolate ones
xin : Oh you should! This is really nice!
Mei Teng : I don't crave for them either.. but those that I usually eat when I was young is all made from Indonesia. So when I saw this made from Japan! So I got one :P.
suituapui : Well, nothing that gets imported from another country comes to Malaysia is cheap in my opinion. But once in a while, I don't see a harm of trying :) regardless the price.
reanaclaire : I should really ask for commission from this shop :P. Now I got more people drinking... haha!
Willie : Go get one Calpis Water and try if you are lactose tolerant that is :).
Rose : Calpis in US is known as Calpico right? :P
Oh I can't get enough of it too! I don't have the flavored ones in this shop sadly :(. So I can't try...
lina : RM3.95?! That is REALLY cheap!
Ah yes you got me to try it hahaha now I can't stop having it :P.
This shop don't have the flavored ones... so can't try :/.
Gabriel : Yea you can say it taste ike Yogurt drink. In fact Yogurt is one of the ingredient :P.
Kucing :I always preferred the strawberry one.. even Pocky also Strawberry :P.
other than usj 10 where else can i get this :(
Faisal : They have a lot of shops
100Yen Shop Locator
Clicky clicky to find ^_^.
aiyo i am so stay at home i didnt even know there is 100yen shop in Sibu. i must look for it and try...well just once. it is kinda pricey
hehe, i love all those japanese snack, but cannot afford them too often only once in a while.. i remember seeing the large Calpis in Isetan, you can try your luck there.. :)
i love milk yogurt too..
Aiyoh, you are making everybody rushing to 100yen shop. Hahaha
hvn' tried the drink before..
Wah! Really that nice ah? Aiyo, I must not lose out! Must try! Let me see...when am I going Jusco? Hehe
If the drink is nice and I get addicted, I'm going to bill both you and Lina! LOL!
let me see if the asian/chinese store we have in the area has some of those calpis. i like yakult so i guess i will like this one, too!
no need go Jusco leh... Isetan got, Shojikiya oso got. :D
I can buy for you, but I charge handling & storage fee. LOL
finally a shop that is available here! i shall get myself a calpis to try next time i happen to drop by. it feels like yogurt drink the way you described it. n i love yogurt drinks! :p n i remembered those roll looking waffle thingy! i used to love the chocolate ones. still do. you are triggering lots of taste buds here. XD
BengBeng : Hahaa! Well, now you know :P. Yea it is kind of pricey. But once in while is ok, better than flying all the way to Japan to get it :P.
Lina mentioned a few other places maybe can see.
SK : It is kinda pricey :P. So once in a while is fine haha. Isetan got big bottle ar? When I go I will definitely buy then :P.
Donna : Then you need to try this :P.
molly : Hahaha! Are you rushing there too? :P
wenn : Give it try :). Then tell me how you like it.
foongpc : Hahaha go go buy buy! See Isetan or Shijokoya got cheaper or not :P. I think I will go Sunway Pyramid and see XD.
Bill lina and I? Who are you again? :P
Salitype : Chinese o.O store.. if you can find a Japanese store it might be easy. But I noticed, they are also called Calpico in the states. Where would you be, Eng?
lina : Come buy for me too! But free yea? XD I don't mind paying for the storage and handling fee! Unless it is more expensive than the bottle of Calpis hahaha!
levian : Yea you should get then! It is yummy! Least to me and lina for now I guess! XD
I used to love them too! But I don't fancy them as much now :P. Triggering tastebuds? XD No Not my fault! Not me! *whistles*
I want the collon^^
Its my fav snack last time...used to fight with my sis for it haha:D
Kelvin : Hahaha! My sister and I used to do that too! XD
Oh have you tried the ice-blended thingy in front of 100yen shops? Not sure if it's the same everywhere, but they have those shaved ice with mango or with peanuts. Pretty yummy!
Haha, Collon is like a big piece of my childhood.
As kids, we snack and snack. Now that I'm old, coughing and gotta watch my health liao.
Calypso sounds very familiar.
Calpis sounded like something real delicious :D imma go and check out the stores and see if i can find one to try one day! looks YUMMEH!
i am no big fan of sour stuff, but you mentioned only slightly sour, so it should feels something like yogurt drinks. n you mentioned milk like, so i am imagining something very smooth now. woot! :p our preference tend to sway away from what we used to like after all these years eh. variety as the main culprit. XD
witch : Yes they do have the ice blended thing at the 100¥en store but I have not tried it before though, maybe I should one day ^_^.
Shingo : Hahah! I know how that is... when we young, everything is about snacks! Now that we are old, everything is about health :P.
conan : There goes another buyer! I want commission! :P
levian : It isn't smooth like milk.. it is really like water! Yogurt water... but oh it is delicious... maybe you will explain it better than I did haha! Our likings changes from time to time afterall :P.
The cream collom look interesting! I like the packaging. :)
sunnymama : Yea so did I! But somehow did not attract me like it did when I was a kid :P.
lina, jusco is nearer to my place lah. Of course I go Jusco unless the other places are cheaper! And then after I buy, I send the bill over to you yes? Oh, wait! I send half the bill to you and the other half to LV : )
Oh Lina a big influencer, too abd for me can't get any of those!
how true. i used to like milk a lot more than recently. now i switch chocolate milk instead, just to keep myself from feeling hungry half through the morning. wonder when i will go to that area, can't wait to try to drink myself to see how do i find it. i've got a feeling i just might like what you recommended. ;)
Wow!!! Just so happen recently I just knew about this drink from a friend and apparently it is very popular in Japan. Gonna try one day :)
foongpc : lalala~ *whistles and walk away slowly* I didn't hear nor read anything... lalala~
Aie : Yes she is! She is making want to try a lot of things haha! Why not? Diet restrictions?
levian : I grew up to like milk. I still do! But I stop liking strawberry milk like I used to. I am never a chocolate person, so hahaha out goes chocolate milk for me :P.
Cest La Vie : Make sure to tell me what you think about it ^_^.
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