I finally got Krispy Krème Doughnuts!

Wow it is definitely different from J & Co.’s, Dunkin Donuts or even Big Apple! I find them sweet glazings and fillings.
The doughnuts.

I bought a dozen of them, oh yes you read it right… 12 pieces! I had a few same ones because there were a lot of people in Mid Valley when I bought it. Besides, I usually love doughnuts with filling instead of glazers. So it was hard to choose haha.
Chocolate filled Vanilla Ice Krème.
This one is quite sweet for my taste but it was definitely unique and delicious. Even after keeping the doughnut in the refrigerator, the filling didn’t hardened still liquefied.
Strawberry filled.

This isn’t too sweet at all! Which is good; I really like this one too~
I didn’t manage to take pictures of the other 10 and also a Custard Cream filled Doughnut. Family took them… and like I mentioned before, they have a thing of me taking pictures of their food :P. As for the Custard Cream filled Doughnut, was my fault… my camera ran out of battery and I forgot to charge hahaha!
Have you tried Krispy Krème Doughnut before? Which is your favorite Krispy Krème Doughnut?
The doughnuts.
Chocolate filled Vanilla Ice Krème.
This one is quite sweet for my taste but it was definitely unique and delicious. Even after keeping the doughnut in the refrigerator, the filling didn’t hardened still liquefied.
Strawberry filled.
I didn’t manage to take pictures of the other 10 and also a Custard Cream filled Doughnut. Family took them… and like I mentioned before, they have a thing of me taking pictures of their food :P. As for the Custard Cream filled Doughnut, was my fault… my camera ran out of battery and I forgot to charge hahaha!
Have you tried Krispy Krème Doughnut before? Which is your favorite Krispy Krème Doughnut?

I'm a coffee person but not a doughnut person... :p
Awww....I'm not the first one. I missed it. :p
I had J & Co's...but they were ok. Nice, but not something that I would die for... Like TZ, I'm a coffee person but not a doughnut one wither. Give me our own local kuihs - Chinese, nyonya, whatever...anytime!
I had dunking donuts too these few days. :p But the donuts from Krispy Kreme are really different. :) The "designs" are different too. :p Perhaps I should try it too.
over in ipoh here doenst have yet.. big apple only... which is better by the way?
I always preferred Big Apple.
I ate them once in US, huge and delicious.
TZ : I don't take much doughnuts too... Other than this, the last I took a doughnut was probably about 2years ago :P.
Tekkaus : No worries, there will be other chances as long as I am still blogging hahaa! :P
suituapui : I would prefer goreng pisang! I am not much of a sweet person eater either... I try to avoid due to family history. :P.
Tekkaus : I believe you should least to know the difference ^_^. I tried it because it was like everyone was talking about it :P so I had to taste it myself haha! Well, I would mind their custard one... but not that much of doughnuts ^_^ person, maybe in 6months time :P.
reanaclaire : in my opinion, i prefer krispy kreme. i am not a big apple fan because their doughnuts are all TOO sweet.
Gallivanter : Looks like you Galli enjoy sweet things alot XD. I find Big Apply dougnuts too sweet for my tastebuds.
Rin : Uh oh, I made you hungry :/. Nevermind you school holidays now, go make mommy buy :D.
Kelvin : Somehow those in the states would be different fromt hose in Malaysia. I noticed that, things made here are alot sweeter compared to those in the states.. for example - Oreos :P.
I love Krispy Kreme! They're much better than regular donuts. Unfortunately the company, once really popular a few years back, is not doing that well due to the health trend. I just hope they won't close down the store in my city.
I have yet to try out Krispy Kreme. The thing that puts me off is thinking about the amount of sugar content.
I find Krispy Kreme doughnuts too sweet for my liking. I like Big Apple's one better.
So long never eaet doughnuts. If I buy one (or a dozen) tonight, I'm going to blame you again, LV! LOL
Did you finish all 12 pcs yourself? :D
Wah, nice doughnut. Good with a cup of hot black coffee, anytime!
Rose : I would believe that Krispy Kreme in US is much better. Like the Oreo made in US, is mintier and less sweet compared to those made in Indonesia :P. Lets hope they don't close it down :/.
Mei Teng : Well, heads up don't take their glazed ones.. it is sweet. their fillings ones are fine so far I tasted of course except the Vanilla Ice Kreme I had. their custard one is fine ^_^.
If we are to think too much of the amount of unhealthy things they out in a food, we can't really eat much anymore :P
lina : I don't know I find Big Apple's doughnuts too sweet compared to this o_O; weird hahaha!
Ha?! *runs and hide* it is not my fault! Gasps!
Oh, of course I did not eat all 12 pcs myself! As long as it is in my house, my family will eat with me! haha!
Pete : Sadly I am not much of a coffee drinker ^_^.
Doughnuts are one of the best food. If it does really taste too sweet, I would have eaten more of that.
Willie : Looks like you are even a Bigger fan of sweet! Hahaha! I would usually cut down if it is too sweet :P.
Doughnuts are available in a very very few shops here in India. And where available, are heavenly costly :) I've tried very less of 'em yet. You may not believe, but I've not heard of any of the company names mentioned by you in this post!
Ant House
Bhavesh : Looks a rare thing to get in India, Bhavesh. Most of the names of the doughnuts are from US. But well, if people never mention it... trust me even if it is here in Malaysia I won't know about it either hahaha!
i makaned krispy kreme before and all others. but somehow everything just tasted the same to me...
we dont have it here. we have the cheap local ones though without the toppings ..saves money i like i like
xin : Hahaha ! I dunno I find the rest REALLY sweet. :P Krispy Kreme has it's fair share of sweet too, but so far it's ok ^_^.
BengBeng : Sometimes come to think of it, those sugar coated doughnut are so much more nicer than these :P.
Im dying to try krispy kreme. Can tapao for me? :P
hi..dropping by...to me Big Apple and J.Co donuts are better than them...don't really like their taste haha
Hmm..... looks delicious.
Nope havent tried it b4.
krispy kreme donuts are a murr! i totally love them, and i prefer them over big apple at times :D but then they're messier and sweeter to begin with lulz
i kinda like big apple ones more :) Original glazed ones.
you insult me :(
Jco is my favorite!!!
hmm.. not so into sweet food.. XD
hahaha.. but i like chocolate.. haha..
i have been so anticipating for KK to land in KL, and on the 2nd day of their opening i've already gone to queue up for a try.. but much to my dismay, it's far too sweet for my taste!! i can't even finish one whole original glaze!! i have not eaten KK since then~~
yea better than big apple
A smile from SJ =)
I like doughnut too but seldom eat it nowaday. Good to go with a cup of tea, now now now!
I don't fancy doughnut, I prefer the most original one if I take it preferably without sugar!
tasted before..i love it..
Although I have sweet tooth, surprisingly I dislike donuts! I have tried J Co and Krispy Kreme. I think Krispy Kreme is slightly better but not by much. And the worst donuts have to be Dunking Donuts! Why are they still around?
Anyway, I prefer cakes anytime! : )
Not a big fan of doughnuts, but an American has told me that Krispy Kreme has the best doughnuts in the world.
Krispy Kreme doughtnuts rock my world *woohoo*! I find the sugar level in the doughnuts so high that I can practically hear my kidneys screaming out in disbelief every time I take a bite but y'know what, its so good, I really don't care haha. Aw why didn't you get the Xmas edition doughnuts, they're quite pretty :) *ok ok, and yummy too*...
Chris : Tar pau for you... can can wait I buy next time first :P.
Eric : Thanks for dropping by :).
Well, I guess it is everyone to their own taste :P. I prefer Krispy Kreme over Big Apple and J.Co haha.
Horlic : And one gets hungry :P.
Kucing : Time to give it a try :P.
conan : Messier? I don't find that when I had them :P. Maybe you're a messy eater haha! kidding kidding.
Cest La Vie : I didn't order their original glazed, afterall mom eats them too, so I can't getting those coated with sugar that much.
Faisal : Nooo! I didn't! T.T
Donna : Eh... chocolate is sweet too what :P.
SK : When I heard of it I wanted to try too! But of course it is to me not too swet compared to J.Co and Big Apple. But I am not much of a sweet person either :P. So I won't buy it too often. But when I do, I will go for KK.
SJ : Welcome back to blogging world! Ha yes another KK fan :P.
molly : I barely take doughnuts too. Tea? I thought it would be nicer with coffee? But then again, I eat my just as it is :P.
Dora : Doughnut without sugar... I never have that before o_o;
wenn : :D yep I seen you blogged about it before too ^_^.
foongpc : for a sweet tooth like you, I am surprised you don't fancy doughnuts much :P. I would rather go for puddings for sweet tooth or ice cream! haha
Shingo T : Maybe it is much nicer there too :P. They make things less sweet anyway. Oreo for instance :P.
Anges : Looks it robbed you of your taste buds haha.
Christmas edition ones? Oh I will go take a look... sadly I shouldn't.. can't be tempting my mom anymore for it.
i have not tried this one before. gotta keep a lookout for this the next time i go to kl. :p what are glazers? i love those with fillings too! it made the bites juicier than the common one with a hole in the middle. it is like having 2 taste in one bite - one from the top layer, one from the middle layer. woot! that reminds me, i haven't been to our apple donuts for eons. it's time to pay them a visit. :p
levian : Glazers (not sure if it is right word for me to use actually hahahaha!!!) are so I know is the sugar coating on the top of those hole-y doughnuts :P.
Ooops... I made you have another craving.
you are always doing it! n you did it again for the following post. XD oh, now i know what those coatings are called. i used to get a few for lunch back then. it is so full despite how colorful n less "threatening" it looked. :p
I love donuts! Yummy post. :)
I just like their original glazed and hershey's collection special on holidays
levian : Gosh now that you mentioned it... You know I always thought it was fruit color until I got older hahaha!
sunnymama : Haha! I love doughnuts too! But I barely have them due to the sugar content.
Ayie : I never took their original glazed, seemed like it was covered in too much sugar... which my mom can't take. So I had to refrain from buying that :P.
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