I continue with my backdated post; Dinner at Singapore Turf Club on 25th September 2009; Friday.
Some of you might be expecting something grand! Like maybe a grand dinner, or a formal event but I tell it isn’t, it was really a simple casual event. It was an event held by Hubby’s company supplier.
So before dinner started, I of course went around with hubby to take pictures.
Turf Club Tower.
I am not sure what it is! Water tank? Satellite Tower maybe? Can anyone tell me? :P
Turf Club Track.
This is my first time I get to see a turf club in real life. Yes I am like a “frog under the well”. I have not seen a lot of things before other than through the idiot box :P. so of course I would never miss taking shots at it!
Overview of the hall we were in.

It was mid-autumn festival then, so there were lanterns hanging everywhere.
Food Counter.
I was greeted with the food counter and this purple flower decoration when we entered. Don’t look purple in my picture lah… yellow lights was too bright :P.
Appetizer Counter.
Oh I was hungry :P.
Potato Salad.
Thisis the appetizer I took the most. I love potatoes and they had three types of potatoes here. I don’t remember which are they, but yummy with mustard sauce oh so delicious.
Dessert Counter.

They got Mango Crème Brulee! I never managed to take closer shots of it though. But hey, I can say, I ate a lot of it! :P.
Tea / Coffee / Chn’g Th’ng (Sweet Soup Dessert) Counter.

Simple as it is… The Chn’g Th’ng was refreshing… yet another no picture~ I was not feeling well then… so I forgot a lot…
The centerpiece on the table.

It was purposely taken that way :P. Those are Orchids, Singapore’s national flower~
So before dinner begins, we sat at where we can view the track more.
Horses came!

I have never seen horses in real life too! Oh the way they move was so elegant! Oh now if only I can ride one… or even know how to ride one! Hahaha! Wonder if the horse will throw me off if I do :P.
Then or course I decided to take this shot.
Yes it is my toes! My painted toes. Remember I posted about my pedi and mani and I showed you my painted toes? But this time I get to show you all it with the heels. It does look better in my opinion. What do you think?
Oh of course I would not miss out the night view;
Turf Club Tower.

Turf Club Tower.
And Turf Club Track.
I like the night view much better… so bright and the colors looked so much more vibrant.
This doesn’t end my backdated post not yet. A few more to go and I would be back on track hehehe. Stay tune!

Yay! I am the first one today! :D
hi LV, i also nv been to a turf club before in my whole life.. wah.. did u bet any?
Well, as long as both of you are happy than everything else doesn't matter anymore. :D
War...red toe nails aye. Looks very...vampire-like. Ha :D
Tekkaus : Congrats on being first! You got linky love :P (like you always use hehe).
reana : Looks like we had a common.. but in Malaysia give me free also I won't dare to go... all gamblers there, later lose liao don't know will make scene bor :P.
Bet? Nope I am not much into gambling :P.
Tekkaus : that is very true :). As long as we are happy ^_^.
Vampire like? Waaaa I always want to be a vampire... So I will need to paint my nails red to look like one hehe~
Wa, you are like a lady of substance lah... Dinner in Truf Club and some more can see horse racing at the same time, to me that's a sheer luxury... so did you wager on the horse races, if yes, did you hit a home run?
nice lah you
eugene : You made it sound so grand! haha! I was dressed very casually and everyone else was in working clothes :P.
Horse racing I did watch but since I don't gamble, I did not put in a wager on it.
I have never visited a turf club before. I was thinking of visiting one just to photograph but I don't think I will be allowed to do so.
I don't gamble so the only reason I want to visit is for photography.
I too like the night shot more!
And that building may be their office!? Bad joke!
Garden Lizard
Hey, would you like for us to swap blog links, I mean affiliate? Let me know when you add me.
Did you bet on any horse that day? :D
aiyah, didn't notice reanaclaire already asked you that question.
nice red nails.
and nice shoes too... :)
you are making me hungry with the buffett photos! Not good to see food photos at 6.00pm when one is nowhere near quitting time. I wanna have dinner now! LOL
Looks like a water tank to me! Not sure!
I also never been to a turf club before, so that means I'm also "frog under the well"
Wow! So many potatoes? My brother would like it! I don't really facny potatoes : )
Mango creme brulee looks really delicious! Yummy!
Wow! Nice toes! : )
it was a mistake heading to your blog with an empty stomach...now after looking at those scrumptious food, it makes a lot of gurgling noise...lol!
i love creme brulee...i have to try the mango variety!!
the track was better at night. the colors comes out vividly and of course, i love the nail polish! can't wait to have my pedi and soon...lol!
YAY! Welcome to the FCC LV! Thrilled to have you on board! :)
I wan some potato salad too! Come to think of it, It's been ages since I made some..although my best friend makes the best potato salad.. hmmmmm
Love the painted toe nails too... I wanna go for mani pedi too... last weekend wanted to go for hand massage but the lady laughed at me when I asked her got hand massage or not...grrrr!!! It says in her flyer the shop offers such massage! :(
I am hungry now looking at your yummy food, haven had dinner so maybe I should do so now. See ya later! ;)
Tempting people with food again ar. kekeke
wow, so many spammers here LV.
i have not been to any turf clubs in my lifetime too. the creme brule looks absolutely scrumptious and my mouth is watering. btw, you've such lovely painted toes unlike mine, so old and wrinkled. :(
the toes! i recognized the toes from the trip to the pedicure! you just wanna say it is much sexier with the shoes on, as if wearing a cloth? ;) i had not been to a turf before as well. i bet you did not place any bet, since your focus are not on the horses. :p
Turf Club? Real classy place! You bet on horses...or one of those really rich horse owners???
hehe we have the same toes...my main toe is smaller than the rest too =P
that sandals fit you so well and it's nice for you to experience some other things =)
it must be feeling really good being there standing with hubby for his office event!
Mei Teng : Well, you can always buy a small bet and go in hehe~ But I don't think they would be so strict maybe towards rooms that are occupied. But why not call in and ask :). Good for their promotion too hehe~
Bhavesh : Oh yes same same! haha!
Office? hmm... might not be such a bad think either :P. But I somehow feel that it is their tower.. communication tower maybe? :P
DeeDee : I browse your blog a bit :). Looks like you like Rhianna alot huh? ^_^
lina : Hahaha! Well, I didn't bet :P. I can always answer again so it is ok.
Oooh thanks for the compliments :D. I like how the picture of my feet turned out in here. It looks so nice XD.
Oops... but but not much food picture now... you are hungry anyway.. and imagination running wild! Nooo Not my fault this time *runs*.
foongpc : Yea I should of ask the people there what it was haha! I think it is a water tank too :P.
Oh Potatoes! I love Potatoes better over rice :P. Yes Creme Brulee and it is MANGO! Makes want more now...
Thank you for the compliment on the toes haha!
Eng : Guess, with such mere food pictures I still lured you all in haha!
I need to apologize for making you hungry haha. Yea it does, the colors are brighter and clearer too. Those spotlights were bright! :P.
Oh you getting pedi, mani soon? Show us some picture then! hehehe :P. Especially in heels ^_^.
Mariuca : Oh thank you thank you... So honored to have you invite me and welcome me to the club ^_^. (I don't have to make any mean jokes on anyone for that right? <--- you know like those movies where they shiw this girls who are in a club, they need to proof themselves worthy bla bla haha!)
Oh potato salad... yum I love it too... I need to learn how to make it :). At least I can make for my husband for a simple lunch.
Mani, pedi soon? Make sure to snap picture ;). Hand massage? Or did they mean "hand" massage(you know *ahem* service)? Hahahaha! That or they meant they massage with the hand not the machine :x.
Looks like a lot of people come here on an empty stomach haha and I keep reminding it is time to eat :P.
Kucing : No no no... I didn't~ *whistles and walk away slowly*
Life Ramblings : Spammers in my comments are good hahaa! I somehow enjoyed them doing so (I sound like foong now o_O).
Oh yes the Creme Brulee is good... mango flavor too, it was really yummy! Makes me want more now.
Actually my feet aren't at all nice... they are wrinkled too especially the first toe of both feet. The skin there break alot... so it is not a nice toe to see. But after the pedi it was makes it look nice... so I guess it is the best time to show then haha~
levian : Eeeps! You remembered! :P. Oh yes it does look so much sexier the the heels on... Somehow makes me want to wear heels more with painted nails now Gasps!
Hahaha levian! My focus was on food right? :P. shhhhh!
suituapui : Hmmmm.... "bet on horses or one of the rich owners??" <---- sounds like whehter did I managed to fish a gold mine :P.
I will let you guess! haha
Ayie : Main toe smaller... you know I never realized it until you told me! I always everyone has the same thing... now that you mentioned it.. I have seen people with a longer main toe and then the second gets shorter.. and so forth. Hahaha gosh! XD
Oh yes once in while it is good to experience different things ^_^.
Well, actually it was weird... haha. He introduced me to his supplier as "wife" I was feeling awkward XD. Still new at it :P.
i used to hang out in singapore so frequently but never had the chance to tour the turf club. it must be fun to see the horses racing!!!
xin : Oh it would be if we bet.. people would be screaming... and shouting for the one they bet on to win.
Hubby and I just watch the first race.. the rest, we were just talking and eating hahaha!
Wow, so that's how a Turf club looks like in real! Haha.. I'm like you, never been to a Turf club before, even though one of them is just so NEAR to my workplace! And very yummy food I see. *drools*
It's another kind of experience having dinner at the turf club! BTW, I love to see horses!
you have very nice feet with or without painted toe nails
Everything is so pretty!!! Especially those toosies:)
Ok, so I see what a turf club is. The name is misleading, I thought it was land ownership club or something like that. There was so much food there too! This is my first time seeing a potato salad made with different kinds of potatoes. How interesting! Hope you had a great there!!
Win any bet?
haha! my sister does that a lot too. she said the exact same thing - it makes her foot looks much more sexier. :p but it is true, it makes the foot looks so much more feminine. ;) i myself usually wear sneakers, or boots during work, all covered up so i am save from showing my toes. :p aha! busted, knew you are too hungry to look at the horses, well unless they are on the table? :p
witch : Well, not much diff from those in the chinese shows I sometimes watch with my mom XD. The first thing when I was there was "Looks like HK shows!"
One near your place? Well, I pass by one sometimes when family goes for dinner and I never seen it too! hahaa..
Uh oh another person hungry :P.
Dora : It was... but somewhat nothing I expect :P.
I love to see horses too... The way they walk... is like strutting... really elegant!
BengBeng : Hahaha! Thanks alot :). Guess I will have to tell my feet that :P.
Carla : Yea I know! Oh thank you on the tootsies compliment ;). I do like it myself too! haha!
Cascia : It was fun indeed :). Only if I wasn't feeling sick then.
Rose : There is a different meaning to Turf Club? I always there was only one :/. Arrgh I am a frog under the well!
Oh yes my first time seeing so much potatoes in one salad too. I thought it was meatballs at first hahaha.
Pete : I won air bet :P.
I didn't bet also haha.
levian : It does makes it look sexier.. but I don't fancy nail varnish a lot. Makes the nails yellow. Or the fact that I am not really that feminine, I always end up spoiling the varnish haha!
You wear boots at work?! What do you work as?
Oh yes caught me >.>; I am always hungry for food... I live to eat.. not eat to live :P.
ah yes, you shouldn't wear one for too long. from time to time, give them air to breath by removing all the coating. i used to paint my finger nails (myself) a lot while i worked for my sister at the bridal. there are always supplies. :p haha, i hope you are not imagining those metal boots the guys wear to construction sites. i just meant those black ones, sorta like office wear? i am an IT executive. i don't really like wearing heels to work, it makes my toes all numb from all the freezing aircon. what do you work as? now that you've got me wondering as well. :) ahaha! i love your phrase! live to eat! woot woot! more high-fives. XD
levian : Yea... but since I am not much for varnish.. I try not to wear any of them anyway haha.
Oh you worked in a bridal shoppe before too? Wow must have been fun ^_^.
No no I am not thinking of metal boots... I was thinking either Phua Chu Kang Yellow Boots, or Safety boots XD. hahaha! So in short you wear pants to alot? Can't be wearing boots with skirts most of the time.
*ignoring the job question since levian told me to in the previous comment* :P.
Hahah! You live to eat too?! Yay! But you seem to maintain a good body shape... I am all round >.>;
sad to say, most of my varnish are now dried up n spoilt because i stopped using them for a very long time. however this weekend i might be able to use them! for a buddy's wedding. :p not if you come across some fussy customers. you can look around to find everyone's faces twitching when these customers walked in. fortunately, i was mostly in charged of photographs editing, which means i can sit in front of the computer. :) haha! not those yellow boots! you are killing my image here. XD indeed i wear pants a lot. it is so cold i can't find myself wearing anything shorter. from the sound of it, you seemed to wear skirts a lot more? ;) trust me, i am losing it as well. must be the age thingy, where the digestion reduces n all those medical phrases. it is so difficult to maintain when there are so many food laying around! :p
levian : Hahaha my varnish has all changed color. In their bottles of ocurse haha. Oooh buddy's wedding :P. Take some pictures ^_^.
Ha... fussy customers do make hell freeze over alot for everyone. But looks like you got the easy job :P Not needing to face them haha!
Yea I do wear skirts more often. I look REALLY fat in pants :P. So skirts is easier and because I used to walk to work, when it rain my pants would be wet and dirty. So I started wearing skirts and got used to it XD.
Age? i have always been fat :P. Since young @.@; need to lose weight badly :P.
let's see how it goes, i am not as excited as i expect myself to be. the first time (her sister) was much more exciting, maybe because everyone is preparing for it? this time it is just so cold, like no one is really doing anything, no one is busy. fingers-crossed. :) you are a skirt person! which means you will have lots of those fancy high heels, like what you showed us the other day. ;) oh, you sounded like my sister. she has been huge in size since young as well. sometimes she loses weight, but seemed to gain it back again sometime later. one thing they said was definitely right, she is a lot more happy-go-lucky compare to me. size matters? :p
levian : Maybe because everything is there already. They already know what to go through, so it is much more easier than the first one.
Oh not at all! I got only like 3 heels. And I don't wear them often... I keep wearing the same over again. I keep one in my office and go to work in slippers and change to heels when in office. Hahaa! So it is really out of shape much.
I usually lose some.. gain more than I lose after hahaha! Weird :/
true, we were much free back then too. bunch of brats fooling around, which probably make things worst for the grownups. :p oh, you are good! you don't buy n "stock" shoes like the rest. high-fives! ;) won't it be weird wearing slippers in your office wear? i am imagining some weird stuffs already. yiiks. :p but one thing i kinda notice is that we are not able (or probably just too difficult) to go back to the previous weight. you think?
levian : I think in my wedding... the grownups be the one making a hassle for me :P.
I don't see the point of stocking shoes. Or even stocking clothes! The most clothes set for 2 weeks is ok... more than that? How many clothes one person go up to in a month? Hence the same for the shoes haha.
Going back to the previous weight? Well, that is true. I guess we need to exercise more often and control food intake :P.
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