I shall stop with the Wordless for a while… need to catch up on my backdated post, else I can’t get to my recent posts haha.
So here goes, after the dinner at Turf Club hubby and I met up with friends in IKEA for dinner the next day. I warn you not to read this on an empty stomach! If you have an empty stomach now… come back after you have eaten. Any cravings after reading this post is not my fault :P because after blogging about this, I am craving myself too! Haha!
Anyway; (you still have time to leave and go eat first…)
We left the house at evening. I caught the sun setting behind the trees.

I couldn’t resist taking a shot of it so I did! Look at it, so beautiful :).
We were actually late, because our friend was doing some window shopping in IKEA for ideas to decorate their soon to buy apartment earlier and of course was there already since afternoon.
We arrived at IKEA.

Look only a matter of walks away! We are reaching soon! Wait for us!
The restaurant.

Look at the crowd in the place. Hard to see… I know the picture is blur, but hubby was rushing me going “Already late! Hurry up!” (least that is what I remembered he said I think…) haha so I took a lousy shot… though of course there is no guarantee that I will manage to take a good shot if he didn’t rush me either.
A phrase I can’t resist to shoot.

“You don’t have to be rich to be clever” Oh so very true! Don’t you think? Fits in a lot ways somehow! Hehehe.
We soon arrived at the restaurant. It was definitely crowded! Our friends took a table of 4 people and only two of them were sitting there, so it was awkward for them… sorry for making you both look like bad people~ *bows repeatedly*
The food we had;
Stuffed Salmon.

Hubby wanted Poached Salmon actually but they did not have it that day so our friend decided to order this for him instead. Hubby shoved most of this to me =.=
Swedish Meatballs.

Of course a never failed dish to order! I definitely love this. Their cranberry sauce is much nicer than one in Malaysia. I wonder why and they give you more sauce and cranberry sauce if we ask but not in Malaysia! Stingy people pffft!
Fried Chicken Wings.

Singapore IKEA has friend chicken wings! I remember in Malaysia, the IKEA I went to near the Curve only has Roasted / Grilled Chicken Wings. I wonder why… but the Fried Chicken Wings are yummy. Not too salty… crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside. Oh and this picture was slightly over exposed and blur, was too hungry after looking at all the food myself I guess haha!
I miss IKEA’s meatballs already… But since I ate those in Singapore, the ones in Malaysia just doesn’t come anywhere close to compare anymore.
Ok enough of making you hungry. Hee~ *smiles evilly* >:D.
So here goes, after the dinner at Turf Club hubby and I met up with friends in IKEA for dinner the next day. I warn you not to read this on an empty stomach! If you have an empty stomach now… come back after you have eaten. Any cravings after reading this post is not my fault :P because after blogging about this, I am craving myself too! Haha!
Anyway; (you still have time to leave and go eat first…)
We left the house at evening. I caught the sun setting behind the trees.
We were actually late, because our friend was doing some window shopping in IKEA for ideas to decorate their soon to buy apartment earlier and of course was there already since afternoon.
We arrived at IKEA.
The restaurant.
A phrase I can’t resist to shoot.
We soon arrived at the restaurant. It was definitely crowded! Our friends took a table of 4 people and only two of them were sitting there, so it was awkward for them… sorry for making you both look like bad people~ *bows repeatedly*
The food we had;
Stuffed Salmon.
Swedish Meatballs.
Fried Chicken Wings.
I miss IKEA’s meatballs already… But since I ate those in Singapore, the ones in Malaysia just doesn’t come anywhere close to compare anymore.
Ok enough of making you hungry. Hee~ *smiles evilly* >:D.

no! you are so doing it again! by now, i kinda feel that you like doing it, you like Luring us, don't you? admit it, i know you are enjoying our Agony. yes, with a cap A! :p woot, i like the phrase, so very true! it is all in the head. (purposely skipping through the food photograph n flee!) XD
levian : Wahaha! You know you want to look at them! You know you can't resist! *laughs*
Oh yes the phrase is good! If you skipped through the photograph means you missed the sun setting picture?! Noooooo! XD
hey!!! now our ikea got fried chicken wings already :D
Yucks...the swedish meatballs...look so ugly...I will shove this to you too. :p
I want salmon too. :p
hey, i dont mind eating the meatballs.. why yucks? hahaha.. oh i really dont mind trying all .. hahaa.. i miss IKEA.. too bad IPOH doesnt have one..
is this IKEA malaysia?
I love the meatballs too, though it is very filling after consuming a couple.
xin : Really?! Waaa like that must go try! Thanks for the info ^_^.
Tekkaus : It has come to my conclusion you don't take meat somehow o_O; but yet when someone told me he went to Carl's Jr before... I am now in doubt! Arrggh! Questions questions!
I love the meatballs you shall devalue it :P. I will be glad to have them all hahaha!
Reanaclaire : Yea I dn't know why he "yucks" aiyar!
Oh Ipoh no IKEA? SO you need to come all the way to KL to have one?
Kelvin : IKEA in Singapore :P. Your homeland :P.
Gallivanter : Oh yea it is... it shows that the meatballs are really filled with meat and not air :P.
Ah! The meatballs!!! I've heard SO much about them but I've never had the chance to try them. Must make it a point to go there and eat should I get the chance to go to KL again...
I have never tried the food at Ikea before. Hmm...I should one day.
suituapui : Oh yes you need to! They sell outside too at their market if you want some to bring back home to cooked yourself.
Do remember to go eat it when you come to KL :D.
Mei Teng : You have not tried? Oh if you see the Poached Salmon (I am not sure if is was limited or random change) make sure to order it... I know I loved that when I tasted it.
so bad lah you... and I don't know why I keep reading your food post at 6.00pm! LOL
I like Ikea's salmon. My hubby and son loves their meatballs.
Haiya! Have to find reason to go Ikea and eat some.
Again! LV, you evil you. Not only I have TGIF on my list, now add Ikea pulak! LOL
Next time I visit Ikea, have to avoid eating the cheap hot dogs and go to the cafe pulak! Eat proper food! :D
Wah, eat out again. Time to start home cook food for your hubby now and then for your children and then grandchildren. Hehehe.. I think too far already.
OK, I'll leave now for dinner then come back : )
But the pull of your blog is too strong! Ugggh!! Cannot resist! Must read first!!!
Nice photo of the sun setting behind the trees!
Rushing also must take photo? Haha! That's how we bloggers are like that. Die die also must take photos! : )
You don't have to be rich to be clever, but do you have to be clever to be rich? ; )
The swedish meatballs look so delicious! But how come when I eat at IKEA Malaysia, it's not that nice? So Singapore's IKEA has better quality food? Hmmpph!!
Actually I'm not a big fan of fried chicken wings, so it's OK if don't eat this. Haha!
OMG! I'm so hungry and I totally blame you for this!!
But luckily my food is here! I'm going to have a feast! Yay!!!
i have been to Ikea only once but i haven't tasted the food there b4. and you know what, i've just taken my dinner and now you're making me hungry again.
I tried once the meatball at Msia IKEA. Didnt like it.
hmmm.. eating egg sandwich now..
can exchange with the food here? XD
man, you are so evil! XD nono, i skipped through the "food" photographs, especially the chicken wing (opps! :p), but i did not skip through the scenery ones, nor the one with the phrase. it is right in the moment, wasn't it! ;)
It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I've never been to Ikea but I've heard that it is something else.
lina : I don't know why you keep reading my blog at 6:00pm XD. But then again it is good to read before meal too. At least, you will be hungry after reading and then after meal you won't remember hehe :P.
>.< more to add to the list! Well, don't have to think too hard of where to go anymore for food for some time :P. *smirks*
Oh IKEA's hotdog is good too! I like it with mustard and sauerkrat!yum yum!
molly : Hahaha! Not that I want to eat out... but my mom-in-law doesn't allow us in her kitchen :/.
Besides we went out to meet friends ^_^. Not everyday I am in SG so they wanted to see me mar haha!
foongpc : Hahaha! Guess the force in me is too strong! You not going anywhere! :P
Yea bloggers just have to take every picture :P. Everything they can, to write about it, to be inspired :D.
Yea somehow the meatballs in IKEA Malaysia is ok-ok only. Nothing to shout about. Different I guess :P.
You are hungry?! Not my fault! You have yet to eat dinner when you read this!
I hope you had a good feast :P.
Life Ramblings : Yea should :). Though I think the meatballs is not edible by you. :/
But the salmon is good! Poached Salmon must try... I don't know if IKEA Malaysia has Stuffed Salmon or not... but I don't recommend that :P.
Kucing : The meatballs in IKEA Malaysia somehow tasted bland :x.
~dolly~ : Don't lick the monitor Donna!
levian : Moi? Evil? Naw *halo above head lights up* See *points at halo* innocent :D.
Oooh.. good good... now don't forget the food picture :P.
Cascia : Well, yea I do ^_^. Meeting friends is always the best :).
Oh something else? Would it be of the furniture and decoration that you heard of? Afterall, when you talk to someone who eats only :P all we can is about food heheh~
Argh I didn't manage to have breakfast today and it's 10.30am now and my stomach is growling so badly I can hear it from here!!! Ahh... I have only tried IKEA Malaysia's meatballs and I thought they were not bad. The Singapore version must be out of this world!!! *growls* Oops, did you hear that? :P
Witch : Whoops... Another hungry reader! "Oops I did it again" :P
Ewww I just quoted Britney >.<;
Well, that is my opinion that the Singapore IKEA's meatballs are better... maybe different to other people's tastebuds :P.
Now now, better go eat before the growls create a mini earthquake :P.
i heard meatball there the best?
yep, true, you don't need to be rich to be clever. but usually those who are clever, are rich too.
Faisal : IKEA meatballs? Yep :).
Well, that is why it goes "You need to be clever to be rich" hahaha!
Here I am with my very late CHOP! :)
I've never had the stuffed salmon LV, not sure if we have that here or not...cause usually order the meatballs he he!
I will ALWAYS ask for "extra gravy and cranberry sauce pls" whenever I have the meatballs. :)
But usually I'll order the kids' meatballs, then I'll have the shrimp open-face sandwich too. So yummy!
But the stuffed salmon is seriously bugging me now, cause I just woke up and right now all I can think about is dinner @ IKEA tonight hohohoh! :)
I oso need to get a new lamp for my home-office... yeah I already have 2 inisde my office but I took one out into the living-room recently cause the one there is out a goner hahaha, so now great excuse to shop for lamp and enjoy some meatballs tonight! :):):)
Mariuca : Hahha hi there! Late indeed :P.
It is my first time having stuffed salmon too. In fact I usually see the poached salmon. I always ask for extra gravy and cranberry sauce XD. Never fail! But the IKEA in Malaysia are stingy! They never give >:(. Kid's meal? I always order the adult size one cause I sshare with hubby :P. It won't be enough for him!
I never tried their sandwiches or the shrimp salad before... I should one day hehee.
Looks like a good reason to go to IKEA tonight! More a reason to go there for dinner too haha!
haha. now you make confuse reading your quote and the quote in the picture!
Faisal : I did nothing of such o_o;
Oh! That's an evil smile :)
It indeed is yummy, but I'm a vegetarian :)
Peacocks [Mor, मोर] of Morachi Chincholi [मोराची चिंचोली]
OMFG. CHICKEN WINGS D: But I like the uhh.. call what? The.. somewhat blackish and oil-ly's chicken wings.. the ones that are sold at the roadside :D I love them hehehe, but I heard they're not good for health ): But meh ~ who cares :x
you are right. u made me hungry :)
the swedish meatballs look interesting. where can i find it in malaysia?
Beautiful picture of the sunset behind the tree! That was a great capture. :)
I also been skipping on my WW for 2 wks already...too much to do and post too!
I have been looking for the nearest ikea here but not too near! my bad! i always get coupons for free meals there! hahaha that's why
The herbs roast chicken is nice, I normally order this.
so not innocent! *grabs halo* XD thanks to you, i sorta had chicken wing last weekend. not fried though, but grilled. dang, they were yu-mmy! craving made the food taste better, don't you think? ;)
Bhavesh : Yep it is :). Vegetarian yep I know you told me before ^_^. Sorry about meat posting.
Rintakase : Hahaha Grilled Chicken Wings? Oh I love those too! I haven't have those for a very long time now haha.
BengBeng : Hahhaa! Hope you had a good meal after reading :P.
Gabriel : They are from IKEA. IKEA Malaysia has them too... can't run, their signature dish ^_^.
sunnymama : Thanks alot! Coming from you a professional photographer... means alot ^_^.
Ayie : Yea :P. Chances is I might not be so loyal after some time... just randomly I guess now :).
IKEA near your place? Free coupons?! I want T.T~ but IKEA isn't very near me either hahaha :P.
Pete : Oh I ate the Herb Roast Chicken in Malaysia's IKEA before. It was VERY dry, I didn't like it one bit... maybe I will try the one in Singapore next time :P.
levian : My Halo! Nooooo! T___T
Hahaha! Oh yes craving for something makes it all better! It is like when we crave for the food, then we sink our teeth into it, it is like so sweet! So yummy~ as though we just satisfied the the tastebud :P.
nowhere near or I haven't really searched well enough but so far none. I get to receive discounts and coupons here so i want to check it out...hehe to claim also the free meals!
Ayie : I am jealous :P.
I want free meal coupons too! haha!
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