After my R.O.M. and the dinner dishes post;
My family stayed for another 2 days in Singapore to take a break, go on vacation. So my husband and I are required to bring them about. I figured, ok since I never been to Singapore with my whole family before, I thought I want to go the Merlion to have a picture.
We head out the day – 20th September 2009;
On our way to the Merlion I saw;
The F1 Grandstand from a far.
Look at the colors… V.I.P. seats?
Closer clearer view of the Grand Stand.
No no, I am not taking the foreigners’ picture. Husband is around, can’t be so bold right? Hahaha.
The eye of Singapore.
I have never been on that. I have never been on the eye of Titiwangsa one too! Haha.
We arrived at the Merlion Park.
And found Merlion standing tall!
Nice yea? It was so crowded! So many people! Eeeks!
Merlion and Esplanade at the background.
Where is my family?! When all this Merlion pictures are taken? All hiding in the shade in Coffee Bean. I know it was hot, but for one picture only! Only one! No I didn’t get a picture with my family with the Merlion. Tsk tsk~
Now a Boat.
Husband told me it was formerly a tank. So instead of scrapping it, they make it as a tourist transport / boat now.
We didn’t spend much time there. Only 5mins and hubby had to pay SGD5 for parking (or was it? I can't recall... where's my husband now?)! Daylight robbery just because it is near to Merlion and I forgot where he parked :/.
Since my family has had breakfast near the hotel, hubby and I decided to bring them for ice cream at Ice Cream Gallery, Valley Point. We were early and they were not open yet, they only open at 11:30am. So we sat outside of Starbucks and just talk.
I was bored so I took a picture of the Service Apartment’s “water fountain”.
Nice yea? Actually hubby took the shot haha. He has better hands :P.
Finally the time for Ice Cream Gallery to be open has come! Oh I was craving for their ice cream and I was hungry too. Hubby and I have not eaten yet. I failed to remember to take the picture of the ice cream waffle hubby and I shared. But I did not forget the hot dog we had :P.
The Hot Dog.
Oh look at it. Looks good yea? Hubby made a smiley on it... can you see it?
Closer view of the Hot Dog.
I just want to make you drool :P. I love their Hot Dog! I never fail to miss to eat this when I am here for ice cream. Of course unless I have eaten, I would only be here for ice cream.
After the dessert session, family wanted to buy moon cakes for hubs’ mother. So we headed to Chinatown!
Chinatown’s decoration and the crowd!

I saw this shop – It is a Chopstick Shop!
The whole shop filled chopsticks! All kinds of Chopsticks! If you’re looking for chopsticks, I bet this is the shop to go to. Haha.
After that, we journey to my bro-in-law’s aunt place and the rest of the day was us resting away. Was a tiring hot day, though it was only half a day spent out in the sun. But I guess it was the travelling and the lack of sleep.
The next day we went to Church… and that shall be posted next :P.
My family stayed for another 2 days in Singapore to take a break, go on vacation. So my husband and I are required to bring them about. I figured, ok since I never been to Singapore with my whole family before, I thought I want to go the Merlion to have a picture.
We head out the day – 20th September 2009;
On our way to the Merlion I saw;
The F1 Grandstand from a far.

Closer clearer view of the Grand Stand.

The eye of Singapore.

We arrived at the Merlion Park.

And found Merlion standing tall!

Merlion and Esplanade at the background.

Now a Boat.

We didn’t spend much time there. Only 5mins and hubby had to pay SGD5 for parking (or was it? I can't recall... where's my husband now?)! Daylight robbery just because it is near to Merlion and I forgot where he parked :/.
Since my family has had breakfast near the hotel, hubby and I decided to bring them for ice cream at Ice Cream Gallery, Valley Point. We were early and they were not open yet, they only open at 11:30am. So we sat outside of Starbucks and just talk.
I was bored so I took a picture of the Service Apartment’s “water fountain”.

Finally the time for Ice Cream Gallery to be open has come! Oh I was craving for their ice cream and I was hungry too. Hubby and I have not eaten yet. I failed to remember to take the picture of the ice cream waffle hubby and I shared. But I did not forget the hot dog we had :P.
The Hot Dog.

Closer view of the Hot Dog.

After the dessert session, family wanted to buy moon cakes for hubs’ mother. So we headed to Chinatown!
Chinatown’s decoration and the crowd!

I saw this shop – It is a Chopstick Shop!

After that, we journey to my bro-in-law’s aunt place and the rest of the day was us resting away. Was a tiring hot day, though it was only half a day spent out in the sun. But I guess it was the travelling and the lack of sleep.
The next day we went to Church… and that shall be posted next :P.
not enough photos lah,,,,,,,,, may be next post you update more ok?
hey have a great week ahead
ya ya more photos. And more posts too about the trip wit your family. :)
haha... I haven't been on the Eye on Malaysia either, let alone that one in Singapore. :D
so damn expensive parking over there! th
As much as I like Singapore and believe it's a great holiday destination, it's way too expensive to travel across the causeway where one has to pay more than double for everything!
eugene : Ha not enough pictures? Waaaa how many picturs you want in the post? :P
lina : Excited ya :P. /Just boring trip with family... nothing much lah.
Yay someone like me haven't been on the eye before haha :P.
Yea it was, think it is because it is near the merlion. tourist attraction place.
Mei Teng : Yea I know what you mean. hahaha. But because my husband is a Singaporean, so it is one for one for him :P.
wow, a chopsticks specialized. it can only survive in a buzzing metropolis like Singapore
think i've not been really hanging out in SG for many years.. recent trips to SG are only business trips, and most of the time, short and rush stay.. am going for a day trip this wednesday again, tiring!!
hi ladyviral.. now i m waiting for the most special pictures of your life.. quick quick.. when can i see them?? hahaha.. hurrying u to tie the knot!
wow..merlion..i last saw it 2 yrs ago..
I went there in the evening so it was not so hot.
He he , Merlion...haven't been near it also, although I went to Singapore many times before! LOL!
How far is Malaysia to Singapore? Yea, even though I've never been there, I heard that it's really expensive there. What is that yellow thing (beside the mustard) on top of the hot dog?? I'm surprised to hear you say "it's hot" around this time of the year. Well for us across the pond, it's fall heading into winter season and it is starting to get preeety cold here. Nice pixes by the way. I'm one of those that shy away from taking pictures too so yea, totally understand your family on this one :)
singapore!!! been planning for a while but yet to really go...hopefully this christmas i can go...
I've never seen a Merlion before, how interesting. I wonder if there is some legend behind it. I'm gld they recycled rather than scrapped the duck tours boat. Looks like a fun filled day.
completely no family photographs throughout the trip? or only at the merlion? now that i have seen you n your husband, can't help wondering how your family will look like. :p you were (meanly) successful with the hotdog tactic, it made my mouth watered! XD
I thought there'll be a family pix... Anyway, it sounds a very nice trip!
BengBeng : Survive in buzzing metropoils such as Singapore? Hmmm why do you say so, BengBeng?
But then again, I think not much Malaysian prefer to use chopsticks anymore haha.
SK : When I am not travelling for business as much as you do, I do wish I am like you. but I guess if I travel that much for business, I might be as bored as well. haha.
Then again, I don't go out much when I am only with hubby. It was with the family that we did :P.
reanaclaire : Hahaha! that one... really have to wait. I might not even have it up here... we see how it goes :P.
wenn : no changes, don't need to see it too much haha.
molly : I think it was a time thing... It was really hot there! No rain until the next day! So it was hot hot hot even in the evening :P.
Pete : You go to SG and not been near the Merlion? Then cannot say went to Sg what :P.
Rose : Malaysia and Singapore is about 4-5hours drive. Not very far... only 45-50mins onboard flight time :P.
It is hot! Well, was... now it is raining like mad here :P. that was in September and it was hot. That's tropical weather... it have changed somehow. Yea it is going to be winter soon yea? I would love one day see snow.
Those on the hot dog are sauerkraut (fermented cabbage). Oh I love them with my hot dog ^_^.
My family aren't shy form pictures, they were just hiding from the glaring hot sun in the shade haha!
Jeff :(sorry I can't read chinese names haha) Thanks for dropping by my blog~
Oh Christmas to Singapore? I will be there too haha :P. I love their Christmas, they got a different theme every year.
Sukhmandir : I am glad I can show you it then ^_^. Oh I heard there is a legend behind it, least the one I know haha :P. That is something for me to post about.
yea it is nice for them recycle them tanks. Thoug I wonder if they will scrap the boat after >.<
levian : Well, it is hard to get them to take pictures :P. They are not shy people... just not posers maybe? hahaha
What my family looks like? Uh oh :P. Now that is going to be a hard thing to see.
Glad I made your mouth watered. See the evil grin on the hotdog? :P
Dora : Hahaha! I wish there was too! Tell them to come out of the sun for just a while to see take a picture of the merlion! But noooo... they won't! >.<; They didn't even walk near it!
Hello LV, I guess people who visit Singapore always want to see the Merlion. My family and I visited Singapore too, last July 2009. We tried the ferry at Clarke Quay and yes, visited the Merlion too. Looks as if you guys really enjoyed your trip! The hotdog looks real good! Two thumbs up!
Tes : Oh yea :P. Can't say we been to Singapore if we didn't take a picture with the Merlion!
I have not been on the Clark Quay ferry before, I might think of it one night.. Heard the night view is nicer. Enjoyed the trip I did :). Entertaining and thinking where to bring the family, I didn't like it one bit.
LadyViral : I have not been to Singapore yet. Looks like a nice place with lots of tourists.
Are my eyes deceiving me or does the inscription on the tourist boat reads "Singapore Ducktours?"
Duck as in quack quack?
Willie : Oh it is a good place to be :). Crime is lesser there too :P.
Agnes : Yea it does say Singapore Ducktours. Though I am not sure if it is quack quack duck XD. Or maybe this tour was made when there was ducks around then? :P
The best shot gotta be the hot dogs. LOL :D War...the parking was so expensive? 5 for 5 minutes? Gosh!
Tekkaus : Hahaha! Oh yummy yea? How are you now, Tekkaus? Got better already?
Yea expensive! I think it was the first hour thing lah.
ahh.. there's so many other places to visit in SG!
must organize a one week trip one day! =D
Kenwooi : Wow a one week trip? There are alot of places! Really nice places if we know where to go :).
Ohh~ i miss SG already... it has been so many years since I've been to SG.. and previous time was Bugis? LOL
walao, singapore looks so nice!! as a malaysian suddenly i feel ashamed of never going to singapore before :x
and walao eh so much mustard on ur hotdog @____ooo
Haven't been to Singapore for many years. Great photos !
hahaha you guys playing with your food! that's a long hotdog! yum!
You saw some wonderful sights on your day out! I was thinking this was a non-food post and then I got to the hotdog. Love that you included a close-up shot. I'm hungry again now ;)
nooo, that means a No from you! XD but wouldn't it be a pity to not have anything for memories sake? i would drag mine to take either way, it seemed like they had gotten used to it already. yea, i am kinda pushy at times. :p
Pikey : I guess I have been to SG numerous times now hahaha! But during the time with you, was the very first!
Oh yes it was Bugis... and we were caught in the rain on New Year's Eve XD. Those were the days :P.
conan : Well, don't fret over it, I didn't go to singapore until I was about 20+ I think... I forgot how I was then! Alamak!
I love mustard :P. Especially on my hot dogs ^_^.
smallkucing : Thanks for dropping by my blog ^_^.
Time to go to Singapore again then :P. A vacation next maybe? hehe.
Ayie : Well, hubby was bored~ He made the smiley for everyone :P. Only thing is the hotdog wasn't smilling haha. Oh yes it is long, I want more >.>;
sunnymama : Ooops, I can't resist not posting food I guess haha. I am glad my post can make people hungry... means I did a good job ^_^.
I did see some good sights :). My Family saw shades :P and hid under it most of the time haha.
levian : Well, I won;t want to make them do thing they don't want too... because they do it to me all the time and I hate it! I asked numerous times! Tried to convince too... but I don't want to ruin the day.. cause if I insist any further, my brother would start being a jerk :P.
it has been ages since i've visited singapore. i bet there are rapid changes in the city. it's like now you don't see it, now you do.
Happy WW!
Life Ramblings : Oh yes it has changed a lot... They are always upgrading and changing.
Happy WW to you too! I am so busy today I didn't have time to do my Wordless... Guess I will have to skip it :/ this week.
ouch! it really is better to just let them be if that's the case. but you did take some photographs, didn't you? or at least i hope you did. ;)
levian : Of the Merlion yea :P. Not much of me... I am really camera shy ^_^.
not the merlion! XD find your best angle, it always makes one feel like taking photographs once you did manage to get it. :p
levian : Hahaha... I do have the right angle... but I am camera shy.. and I got mood with the shots. When I feel like it, I will cam whore, else I shun away from cameras :P.
I want to go Singapore next year to visit Jurassic Park! Haha
I went to Chinatown last time but it was during Chinese New Year, so not many stalls were opened!
I always like the Merlion. Nice! : )
foongpc : Oh yea! their Universal Studio is going to be opened! I can't wait either... but I might wait a bit like for the crowd to die down a bit before I head over :P.
Never go to Chinatown at CNY mar hehehe.
ah, so that is the main point. i shall wait for you to be in the mood for more! oh yes, i can wait. :p
levian : Looks like you don't get enough pictures of me? ahaha :P.
Hi ladyviral, looks like u hv fun too in S'pore. I think the weather is hotter in S'pore than here. It rains and drizzle most of the time in the evening during my stay there. So I just hide in the cool shopping centre most of the time instead of roaming the streets.
Jasmine : With my hubby, yea it was fun ^_^. Well, without my family around... I usually just hide at home hahah~ I am really a very homie person :P.
Wow, your hubby surely welcome you to take more photo on people. Do not be shy lol.
coolingstar : Hahaha Well, sadly I am not the shy camera person.. the people I try to take are! haha :P
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