Before the mid autumn festival gets too old and outdated, I shall post this first instead of my backdated happenings.
Yesterday family friends came by with mooncakes. Heeee~ I get mooncakes!
This one is bought.
Such a nice box yea? I respect all this mooncake box designers. So creative.
The mooncakes inside.
This one is homemade.
Look at the box, wonder where the person who made this got the box from.
Here are the mooncakes. They are jelly mooncakes, and looks like red bean filling.
Yay! Red bean filling mooncakes! My favorite.
A closer view of the 4 pieces homemade mooncakes.

Can someone tell me what the Chinese characters read (yea I am a “Banana”)?
Oh and guess what, this homemade mooncake is made by a guy! Quite a young chap if I am not wrong. I forgot to ask… but it was a colleague to the family friend. I am still amazed how some guys can cook or even bake!
I get to eat scrumptious mooncakes! Especially the homemade ones… so tempting yummy~
I would like to thank those people who gave my family this mooncakes. It is sure mouth watering even just thinking about it. Thank you for the great gesture. I thought this mid autumn I wouldn’t be able to get mooncakes much anymore… so I was wrong hee~
Did you eat mooncake this mid autumn? Did you enjoy it? So where is my share :P?
Yesterday family friends came by with mooncakes. Heeee~ I get mooncakes!
This one is bought.

The mooncakes inside.

This one is homemade.

Here are the mooncakes. They are jelly mooncakes, and looks like red bean filling.

A closer view of the 4 pieces homemade mooncakes.

Can someone tell me what the Chinese characters read (yea I am a “Banana”)?
Oh and guess what, this homemade mooncake is made by a guy! Quite a young chap if I am not wrong. I forgot to ask… but it was a colleague to the family friend. I am still amazed how some guys can cook or even bake!
I get to eat scrumptious mooncakes! Especially the homemade ones… so tempting yummy~
I would like to thank those people who gave my family this mooncakes. It is sure mouth watering even just thinking about it. Thank you for the great gesture. I thought this mid autumn I wouldn’t be able to get mooncakes much anymore… so I was wrong hee~
Did you eat mooncake this mid autumn? Did you enjoy it? So where is my share :P?
Thanks for checking my blog :)
Is it Mooncake Festival? There's a local bakeshop inside the mall who sells mooncakes and I'm wondering what is the festivity is about.
Joanne : Hi there~ Thanks for coming by my blog :).
Yep it is mooncake festival now. The 8th month of the Lunar calendar.
Hee~ so now you know why the local bakeshop is selling mooncakes :P.
My mom made the mooncakes :x heh, I didn't have any chance to taste these (from shop) .. :l
Uh.. the chinese characters are Hua2 Hao3 Yue4 Yuan2.. I don't know how to explain, but if translated to English.. Flowers nice, moon round .__. LOL.
Rin : Waa your mom make her own mooncakes too? But you didn't get a chance to eat? She sells them ar?
Flowers nice, moon round? hahaha sounds weird :P.
Thanks for helping translate regardless hehe.
You're so lucky. I love moon cakes! Hopefully tonight i can watch lantern festival at Kuching, if i am not caught in the jam later. Hahah
Willie : I want to watch the lantern festival.. if you get there, make sure to take more pictures ok?
Else if you are caught in a jam, then you be seeing modern lanterns (cars' lights) :x
mooncake is not my favorite hehe. is this snow flake mooncake?
pretty confusing :D
eh... how come yours got so many colors? mine just brownish :D
oh.. moon cake..
not really my favorite though..
but i love home made one, coz not too sweet.. ^-^
which one is the red bean filling?
oh.. moon cake..
not really my favorite though..
but i love home made one, coz not too sweet.. ^-^
Faisal : The Brown ones are the normal skin type.. there is also snow skin (not snow flake :P), jelly types, ice cream type, chocolate now a days too! But the most traditional would be the normal brown ones with lotus and red bean paste filling.
Oh no no the one I have is the brown one here and the jelly type one :). I am not sure which is red bean... but I think the jelly one (colorful one) is the red bean filling ones hehe.
~dolly~ : Increasing my post comment count ar? :P hahaha
Why not like mooncakes? They are yummy! Especially the red bean ones @_@. My favorite!
wow, so yummy and colourful mooncakes. i love the red bean flavour too. :) homemade mooncakes are usually much cheaper than the commercial ones, right? but good homemade ones are hard to come by these days.
i don't bake mooncakes, i'm a lousy baker of any kind.
I LOVE mooncakes, except the ones with the yolk. MmmMmmMmmm
Life Ramblings : I have no idea where to get homemade mooncakes... this are made by a colleague of my family friend hehe.. Yes they should be cheaper. Commercialized ones are selling the brand not the delicacies.
Oh, I can't bake anything yet alone mooncakes haha... :P
Gallivanter : Ooooh I love those with yolks, though high in cholesterol but it is nicer compared to just plain lotus in my opinion :P.
I bought quite a number myself too! :p I think the homemade ones look great!
Hmm...the words are..."Flower Moon Garden Great"? Clockwise from top! Hahaha :D
wow! colorful moon cakes! i love the green one!
are they ok to go hand and hand with coffee!!
Tekkaus : So I saw in your blog hahaha. Yea it does! I never seen so define home made ones.
My husband trasnlated it as "Flowers of the Moon Garden"
Salitype : Coffee? I don't think so... mooncakes are quite sweet and eventually will make the coffee too bitter no?
But of course some people would love it that way. But I doubt the jelly ones would be nice with coffee. The traditional yes I supposed :).
good mooncakes r very expensive in Sibu. i just buy the three for RM8.00 ones. Benghui wont know the difference. he is a good boy. :)
BengBeng : Pricey mooncakes are not a neccessity. The most important is when family enjoys it :).
Good mooncakes now a days aren't all that good, they are selling the name and not the quality anymore... so their taste drop. I prefer home made ones now :).
I love the mooncakes boxes. Particularly the Hilton ones. So nice, with all the drawers. Can be use to put jewelery afterwards. :)
Eating the many mooncakes I received after coming back from vacation is sure not helping me lose any weight soon! LOL
Am particularly liking the mooncake with chicken floss inside instead of egg yolk. It was really nice.
HAHA.. ya.. how u know?? So smart...
[HAHAHA.. told u, i lied a lot/boo]
no lah.. actually i tot the first one failed to submit, then i pressed another time..
coz most mooncake sold outside is way too sweet... >.<
wow.. what a good fren u have.. presenting you such yummylicious mooncakes.. they r "santan" made, right? hhmmmm.. no need to eat also know how delicious they must be!
Wah, nice mooncakes, homemade one.....don't eat all lah....I come over this weekend help you eat! LOL!
Had slivers of mooncake for the past few days. I am not a big fan. Just eat abit here and there.
Happy mooncake feasting :)
i ate quite a lot of mooncakes already..
I'm looking forward to opening the box of ice cream mooncake tmr :p
Wow, so many type of moon cakes, I like to try all.
This is the month that i eat so many moon cakes. But only this month because of moon cake festival.
Here, we also celebrate it regarless what race. This is ready the interesting event that I believe will be last forever here as part of the culture.
Nice post, have the nice day.
No no no, I mean I didn't get a chance to eat premade mooncake (:
HEY, my 2nd sis just bought the jelly mooncake too! And I was very surprised that it's the same as yours :D hahaha!
Oh the jelly mooncake look so nice, don't know where to buy & I guess it's too late by now... Anyway, wishing u Happy Mid-autumn Festival!
Wah, so many mooncake and so colorful. Can you finish?
Variety of mooncake... very colorful.
I love mooncakes too, Red bean flavor is my favorite! You're one lucky girl, LV! :)
I like those jelly mooncakes! But my favourite is snow skin mooncakes! Yummy! Especially if it's durian mooncakes!! : )
sorry..i m a "banana" skin too.. hahaa.a..
lina : Oh yea the hilton ones! I saw it before... I thought it was a wine box at first hahaha... Very nice! But only trouble was, the lock at the front wasn't very tight. :x
So much for losing weight eh? hehehe... Chicken floss mooncake? Now that I have not eaten before. Yummy sounds so nice... :D
~dolly~ : Hahaha! No lies no worries :P I believe you :P.
Oh yea it is sweet! I had a red bean one recently... so sweet! Aiyar!
reanaclaire : Yea it is... looks good yea... hehe
Oh not santan, no coconut milk, all jelly only. Yea they are really nice people ^_^. But you all are lovely bunch too! :D
Pete : Waaa yea very nice! You got lost coming over to my house is it? hehehe :P I waited but you never come!
Mei Teng : I don't take much either... I find it all too sweet. But sometimes, just have to have a little bit more than 2 pieces of 8 :P. Tempting hehe.
wenn : Having a mooncake galore? hehehe :P
AmbigousAmbitions : Ice cream mooncake! show us! Hahaha :D. I can't get your blog link... can you give me it so I can link you? :) Thanks!
coolingstar9 : Hi there,
Yes it is a lot of mooncakes for a household of three person :P.
I need to invite you all over hehe. Mid Autumn Festival is always fun.. I would actually love to go somewhere tha tmakes it a big thing and see all the beautiful lanterns ^-^.
Rin : Oh hahaha...
Jelly mooncakes too? Take pictures! I wonder if that guy sells it out to people o_o; that or he bought and said he made it? :o.
Dora : Hi there, thanks for dropping by :).
Oh it isn't too late yet.. still the 8th month of the Lunar Calendar. So I believe there are still mooncakes for sale. Maybe even cheaper! Try bakery or those small bakery that might carry home made ones ^_^.
Molly : Yea so many hehe.. well, takes a long time to finish... but can lah :P. Family of three hehe.
Jelly mooncake is ver FEHMES now... :) Instead of the typical mooncake....
I guess it's more colorful and not so "jai"..hehehe!
happy belated MAF.....Mid Autumn Festival! ^__^
mindfin : Yep it is ^-^ So nice of colors hehe.
Tes : Oh looks like we got something in common! Never sit together for red bean mooncake! We might fight for it hahah!
foongpc : snowskin mooncakes are of course nice! But too expensive now a days and Jelly is more refreshing though :P. Durian snow skin mooncakes? I never had those before... You buying me one? hehehe :P.
reanaclaire : Hahaha... It is ok.. Banana is good for health! Hahaha :P
~Elaine~ : Yea it is famous now... more refreshing and less chilat-lah. The typical are too sweet maybe that is why. hehe. Happy M.A.F. to you too! ^__^
I love mooncakes ! I used to work with Chinese officemates and they always bring us mooncakes ! First time for me to see those jelly mooncakes - they are so cute !
chay : Thanks for dropping by here :D.
I used to see jelly mooncakes but mostly transparent ones that are filled with fruits. This one I have is new to me too! hehe
Oh I went to your profile and your blog, but your blog is empty hmmm.. You post more on Salitype? :)
wow, i love the packaging and the design of the mooncakes =)
Ayie : Yep me too! The Red box one is nice... if only the jade was real :P hahaha!
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