When dry ice gets in contact with water (sorry for all the confusion >.<).
Please do not let kids try on their own. Adult guidance is advised. DO NOT come in contact with skin for too long for it will stick to your skin and there are affects to it. Please refer to link : Dry Ice Burns Like Fire.
That cigarette butt should be thrown into a rubbish bin rather than the sink or toilet.
welcome to WW! i saw your link in WW so i quickly came over.
incase if you're wondering, my WW post is for tuesday and wednesday editions, so it's never too early to go wordless.
Oh now I get it. So the cigarette butt was thrown in a sink. That can cause a clog in the future.
Happy WW!
That's smoking indeed. Who threw that? Smoke alarm didn't go off?
I should state it clearly huh? =x
yeah you should make us clear!! :)
Life Ramblings : Cigarette Butt... Erm.. I eddited the post now... It is really dry ice. hehehe.
Life Ramblings : I was thinking it would be much more for a Tuesdays' one :P.
Joanne : I am so sorry for the confusion... I edited my post now. It is really dry ice.
Mei Teng : It is really just dry ice...
So no smoke alarm :P besides my house had no smoke alarm.
fufu : Yea my mistake... =x
yeah it's alright... i bet we all got it now XD
That's pretty intriguing. Wonder if that's what they use in ballets and plays etc to create smoke. My kids had a smke making machine for awhile, but don't know if that's how they work.
he he he, I thought someone smoking! nice one!
fufu : hahaha... yea. I didn't know alot of people didn't know what it was =x.
Sukhmandir : It could be that, or some machines does that too I believe :).
Thank you for dropping by and commenting ;).
Pete : You're not the first eventually... I confused a lot of people... =x hahaha. Thanks!
EH? Really? I want to try that + + Hohoho :x
haha! i thought something burnt!
Rin : Hahaha! It is fun! But careful yea... it does stick to hand.. do not keep it in contact with skin for too long.
Faisal : It does look like it haha.
I thought what was it. LOL :D Very smoking indeed Ladyviral. Hmm...talking about dry ice..how do you manage to get it?
Are you using it for something? Usually we will use it to preserve some organism. Are you... :p
Tekkaus : Hahaha yea without those words.. I confused a lot of people... and with the title... I knew why I got so many confused..
Tekkaus : Oh I bought Baskin Robbins Ice Cream :P and was disposing the ice in order to avoid any skin contact with other in the house. hehe.
Wow! i was wondering what it was. But then, i found it. Hehehe...
Willie : Hahaha... I guess I should never assume people would know =x...
what do you think? :P
interesting info abt dry ice..
oh i hate smokers!
your comment was replied. =) drop by to pick it, k?
Smokin indeed! and I know what you mean "it burns like anything!" cool WW pick! I'll post mine when I get home from school!
Wow, never know that a simple incidence of an dry ice dropped into the sink can create such a wonderful piece of digital artwork... I particular like the 3rd photo whereby it give a sense of mystical feeling like there is a lost world beneath the sinkhole :D Good work lady!
haha... Ladyviral, after reading all the comments, i m not confused.. if i were the first commentor, then it would be...
thanks for letting me know of this ..i didnt know about that piece of info.. hahaha..
I remember playing with dry ice in the lab during my student days. That was fun. :D
oh i forgot all about wordless. i should make a comeback soon
I was wondering what that was. Thanks for clarifying it! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Oops, i guess you really took the effort in this entry....didnt you?
i have never seen a dry ice before, believe or not,is it easily accesible, can we just buy it off the shelves? please englithen me on this
dangerous indeed, sweetie! how did you get a chance to take these pictures?
the first pic is pretty...
i save it in my desktop be wallpaper already.. XD
wow another participant by LR!
happy 1st WW to you =)
nice one huh!
enjoy your weekend!
wenn : Make sure not to have your kids near them ;).
Max J. : I know me too ;).
Okies. thanks!
Tes : Thanks for the compliments! Will visit yours soon :).
Benedict : Thanks alot.. wow I never thought of such interpretation of the 3rd picture. Now that is one good view! Thanks!
reanaclaire : Yes was a bad first WW haha.. confused a number of people :x. And thanks too!
lina : Oh i know that feeling! hahaha.. imagine everyone doing the same! Smoky lab!
BengBeng : Oh you should! I would love to see!
Cascia : Hhehe... you're most welcome! Thanks for dropping by and commenting.
eugene : Well, I am not sure it is purchasable off the shelves. I got it from buying ice cream anyway :P.
cherie : I bought ice creams and a take away usually is packed with dry ice. So instead of disposing it just anywhere, I had to get rid of it to prevent skin contanct. So while I was at it, I decided to take a picture of it :).
~dolly~ : Should save the 3rd picture.. because the first can see sinkhole :P. But to everyone's preference hehe.. glad you love it!
Ayie : Yep she influenced a lot of people to join :). Thanks to her!
Happy Weekend to you too!
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