Hi all,
I apologized for not visiting or commenting or even reply to the comments you all drop by here at my blog. I have been busy and I fell sick too.
Picture taken from Texas Exployee Advocates
Fever and flu, was really not a good sign especially since I am travelling now and going back to Malaysia today.
Picture taken from Bookmarkers Ltd - Beth Foster Wiggins
If I were still sick I would be wasting my flight ticket home.

Fever and flu, was really not a good sign especially since I am travelling now and going back to Malaysia today.

If I were still sick I would be wasting my flight ticket home.
So I again say sorry, for not visiting your blog for some time. I have not forgotten you. I have just been tied up. Will be back soon and updating too :). Thank you all!
Hope you are already well. Trip back to Malaysia today? Have a safe journey! :)
do take care~!
visit here not because of wanting u to visit back la.. hehehe~
have a safe flight back to Malaysia=)
Aiya! Lina beats me! When can I be FC here?!
Sorry did I miss something? When were you out of Malaysia? Where did you go?
I'm sorry too for not dropping on your blog and some other blogs for some time. So busy this week! Didn't even have time to reply to comments on my own blog! : (
Luckily you don't update your blog everyday, if not habis! Sure cannot catch up!
You are sick? H1N1? Better be careful yes? Anyway, get lots of rest and load up on your fruits and vegetables and supplements. Hope you recover quickly : )
Get well soon...
Get well soon. Have lots of rest and drink loads of water.
Hope u get well soon.
Get well soon (:
Ouh no wonder! That's why I have been wondering where on earth is Ladyviral. You are down with sickness aye! Poor thing!
Have enough rest Ladyviral. :) Take care now.
Its ok for not visiting us now, Ladyviral.. i forgive u.. hahhaa.. more important is that u must recover and come back to us... drink more fluids and rest more... dont miss us so much, ok? :))
speedy recovery..
Wish you speedy recovery and safe journey home Ladyviral!
so sorry to hear you've been under the weather..hope you feel better soon!
wishing you a speedy recovery yea! =)
hope u can recover soon :)
well... it's alright...just visit the blogs and leave comment when you are free...
drink plenty of water... more rest =p well visiting my blog is kind of good way to destress though... lol anyway do take care of yourself ya... all the best :)
I hope you're feeling better now.
Building a New Home
no worries with that, just take care of yourself first and be well. No need for apologies. I hope you'll recover soon =) hugs!
lina : Thanks the well wishes! It was definitely a safe journey back, though bumpy :P.
donna : Eh.. change of name? :P
Well, just to inform you all so you all don't think I went missing ehhehe...
Thanks alot!
foongpc : Waaa foong you trying for FC here? Easy easy :P. Soon... least it isn't as hard as your blog lah. hehehe
Oh, it was really a rush of last minute thing. Only found out quite late tha tI had to travel to Singapore for the ROM issues. So left without a word hahah.
foongpc : Wow looks like you and I both got a lot of catching up to do!
Naw I can't update everyday, if I did... I will be sleeping blog, eating blog, shower blog too! hahaha.
foongpc : Oh I recovered! Must be from all you people's well wishing! I feel so loved ^-^ hehehe.
So I travel home safely hehehe.
Gallivanter : Hi there! Thank you for coming by here and commenting!
Oh and thak you for your well wishes, Galli!
Mei Teng : Thank you! I definitely drank alot of water too hehehe.
Pikey : thanks, Pikey. I am all better now :).
Rin : see for once not food! hahaha... Thanks alot!
Tekkaus : Hahaha! Missing In Sickness! M.I.S.! :P
Got miss me or not?! hahhaa
I am all better now thank you!
reanaclaire : Awww thanks alot! But I will defiitely be catching up again!
Oh I definitely missed you all! I so wanted to visit everyone's blog but I was so sick, I had to keep sleeping...
wenn : Thanks alot, wenn.
Benedict : Thanks alot, I am all better now :D.
Salitype : Thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting.
I am all better now! Thanks for your well wishes.
SJ : Thanks alot, SJ. How is the exams going on?
xin : Thanks alot, xin.
fufu : I rest enough, drank alot! hahha...
Reading your blog will destress me? Stress me more lah :P. See you go to so many places and I am jealous! Hahaha! Kidding :P.
I love reading your blog! And yes thanks alot, all better now ;).
Bhavesh : thanks alot! Thanks for dropping my blog and commenting too :D.
Ayie : Thanks alot. I am all good now. So it is time to start catching up again!
hugs! <3
Well,do you know that it is good sometimes to get a little sick, it is the time when our body tells us to slow down, telling us not to overexert it....
hey appreciate you being my bloggie friend
hope things get better.
i wish you the best speedy recovery. get plenty of rest, will ya?
eugene : It is yep.. but having the flu for like 3 weeks every weekend only? I think something is so wrong hahaha.
And I thank you too for being my friend!
willie : Yepp all good now thanks :).
Life Ramblings : Thanks alot! I definitely need my rest more than anything now! :)
glad to know you are well now.
I had a scare yesterday as my son got a fever. Luckily his temperature went down today. I think it was due to the very hazy day yesterday. :(
Imagine, we're flying off today!
lina : Goodness! More fluids and rest! Make him sleep all day!
It could be possible too... I think my was allergic... Now I am having a headache again -_-;
Safe trip and have a great time, lina!
hehehe.. lazy log in google account ma...
no change name la..
hehehe.. that's the real name actually..
~dolly~ : Hahaha ye aI know ;). Your blog also got state your name... a very lovely name in fact ehehhee~
Hope you get well soon. Have a good flight home!
Hope you are ok now. I am rid of flu and sore throat but the cough and body ache is still haunting me badly after about a month. Have been to medical centre and paid a hugh bill but the result came out ok. Something is wrong with my body. I am so worry.
You take care ya!
get well soon dear and safe journey ya :)
Pete : Thanks for the well wishes! I am alright now and already home.
molly : Hi there! Long time no hear form you... Still sore? I think you should not worried about it so much because you end up making your body weaker when you keep thinking about it.
Did you do a full body medical check-up?
Faisal : thanks alot! home already for now ;).
i was also down with flu over the weekend.. hope you are recovering now, take care :)
get well soon. dont tire yrself
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