My colleague goes home for lunch every day; for a few days she joined us to pack for lunch and ate in the office because there was no transport to go home; one day she has transport… some of my other colleagues teased her about it going home for lunch and playfully asked her to join us. She said “Can’t my mom boiled soup today.” Another colleague said “Oh got soup so nice…” So I added in, “I want soup too…” and the rest of us left for lunch and did not see her until later.
Lunch hour ended at 2pm, she returned to the office. She came up to me with a container.

She said “Soup~ hot be careful yea.”

I was in shocked for a while! She really got me soup! I was joking and didn’t think she would really bring me some!
The stuffs in the soup.

I see carrot, and this herbal thing I do not know of.
What Herb?

Do you know what this is? Can you tell me?
Eventually I was really very touched. It was a cold day and to get a warm hot soup from someone was really nice. I was so happy and I thank her a lot of times much for it. The soup was delicious... she said her mom used Chicken feets and necks to boiled the herbal soup overnight. It was sweet and the herb taste was yummy. Oh I love it definitely.
The next day she even brought me Red Date drink and no this time I did not playfully ask for it. Being in cold days and getting such warm stuffs, even without these warm liquids, her caringness made me all warm inside.
I would show who she is, but she is camera shy… and it is really hard to get a picture of her. So sorry for those who wants to know who this sweet person is :). But I can ensure you, she is single but no longer available… oops.
Have a good weekend!
Lunch hour ended at 2pm, she returned to the office. She came up to me with a container.
The stuffs in the soup.
What Herb?
Eventually I was really very touched. It was a cold day and to get a warm hot soup from someone was really nice. I was so happy and I thank her a lot of times much for it. The soup was delicious... she said her mom used Chicken feets and necks to boiled the herbal soup overnight. It was sweet and the herb taste was yummy. Oh I love it definitely.
The next day she even brought me Red Date drink and no this time I did not playfully ask for it. Being in cold days and getting such warm stuffs, even without these warm liquids, her caringness made me all warm inside.
I would show who she is, but she is camera shy… and it is really hard to get a picture of her. So sorry for those who wants to know who this sweet person is :). But I can ensure you, she is single but no longer available… oops.
Have a good weekend!

50 comments: nice
A smile from SJ =)
Waaoo, she is so lucky to have homecook food everyday.
oo.. so sweett.. is really nice to hav such good colleague.. ^.^
You see, this is how we treat others on a daily basis,if you are good,people feel it and without you realizing it, when time comes for them to show appreciation, you will just be in awe.
have a great weekend
Don't know what it's called but I see those in Chinese herbal soups. Home cooked food is always better.
Can i have the soup too ... :p
You have such a good friend. How very nice of her too. :)
Mmmmm... I wanna soup too.
Treasure this friendship:) Its hard to find someone like her nowadays^^
Awww, how thoughtful and sweet of your coworker! If I'm recognizing the herb correctly, it's chinese yam which is commonly used in herbal soup. It's good for digestion and aid in blood sugar level. These kinds of soup does take a long time to make, around three hours for the flavor of the herbs to be fully extracted.
The thing is called "Luk Chuk" in cantonese. Wah...your colleague so nice. Nice warm soup and red dates drink. I want some can ah? ;p
oh! she is such a sweetie. warm soup and nice colleague...makes a cold day warm indeed!
don't know about the herbs but i take your word for it that the soup is yummy, hmmnnn!
lucky u..
So sweet of your coll & she must be staying near to the office since she going back home for lunch everyday...
aww, this is so sweet! :D back in secondary school we used to bring food and snacks for each other too, and i remember the warmth we felt then, it was the feeling of caring and being cared for that is so important. :D
maybe i should do something to get back the warmth! :)
War...your colleagues is very good huh! :p I want too. Can she send me one. ha :D
what a sweet, sweet girl! she is so selfless it feels so warm knowing someone like this still exist. the rarest breed! :) on the other hand, you are a naughty one eh, joking until she actually thought it was real that you wanted the soup. :p
SJ : Yes it is nice :). Looks like you dear SJ is my FC again two days in a row ^_^.
molly : Yes she does! I wish I have homecooked food too every afternoon :P.
Cassie : Yes it is :). I really treasure her a lot ^_^.
Eugene : You are right, eugene. It is how we should. Everyone should, the world would be a better place to be in.
Mei Teng : I see them a lot in herbal soup too... but i never what it was.. regardless of how many times my mom tells me hahaa!
TZ : Don't lick the screen :P. I also want more... it still lingers in my mind of the taste the warmth ^_^.
lina : Yea she is sweet ^_^. I am glad she is my colleague. I want to feel the warmth again ^_^.
Kelvin : It is indeed. I am sure to keep in touch with her even after I leave :).
Rose : I googled it... and yes you are right! Yay! ^_^. Yes this kind of soup usually the longer the better.
Kucing : "Luk Chuk"? I googled that name... it does show some of the pictures... So I believe it is right too ^_^. For people who cook they know better :P. I also want some more of the soup haha!
Eng : Oh yes it is yummy! I want more too XD haha! It is a very warm day for that cold day ^_^.
wenn : Everyone is lucky someway :)
Dora : Oh she is definitely. Very near only like 10mins walk. :). She is really nice.
Conan : Secondary school days and sharing food? During my secondary school days... we only share food during tuition :P and I only got one tuition class! hahaha!
Tekkaus : Yes she is ^_^. Send you ar, later postman finish it :P.
levian : she gets angelic, I get devlish :P.
tsk tsk...
She is a really sweet nice girl :). Which is why we the colleagues don't let anyone bully her. Especially her boyfriend. We protect her ^_^.
Wow! You have such a nice colleague! It's so nice to drink a warm nutritious soup on a cold day!
I also like drinking herbal soups. Yummy! Home cooked soup are the best!! : )
Eh, can ask her to courier the soup to me? Haha! You courier your fried rice and she courier the soup - what a healthy delicious complete meal! LOL!
Such a thoughtful friend...I remember how me and my bestfriend do those things to each other. I also bring foods for my officemates before.
foongpc : Yes it was.. I was so touched... and was so warm ^_^. I felt so lucky then!
I love herbal soup too! But depends on which type :P. Choosy food eater I am haha.
Courier to you ar... the soup and fried rice ar? Later courier guy finish all how? Better not... :P
Ayie : I barely bring stuffs for my office mates... cause I sometimes feel it is shun away :/... maybe just this place hahaa! I don't feel thankful. I even give gifts during christmas two years back... but er.. some kind of like made me feel they were ungrateful :S.
That herbs is call 'yuk chuk'. Good for those with gastric problem. I love it in my soup.
Jasmine : Another person telling me the same thinng too ^_^. Gastric problem? Now that is new to me... I know for blood yes... gastric I didn't know. Thanks for the info ^_^.
That's really sweet!!! :)
you get the develish indeed! or at least the mischievous part. :p she must be so pure hearted to have fall for your "trap". she surely deserved to be protected! rare breed, rarest of all. ;)
If courier guy finish it, then courier company pay compensation lah, nothing to lose what! hahaha
Or just invite me to your house for a nice lunch or breakfast. Also can lah : )
Cest La Vie : when you cooking for me? :P
Ayie : Yea it does eventually... so I barely do such things anymore T___T.
levian : Muahahaha! *evil laughter* Yea she is indeed... it is dangerous for her though... easily get cheated, conned... sighs... I never knew there would still be girls like this.
foongpc : Compensation ar?! True also... but they act dumb how?
Breakfast / Lunch? Maybe next time when I move to Sg and you come visit Sg I might :P. Family house here... harder to invite friends over...
That's a nice thing for her to do. :)
sunnymama : It is indeed ^_^. I am really glad I met her.
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