Good morning to everyone!
A 3-day weekend sure passed by really fast! How was your 3-day weekend? I went to Singapore to spend time with my hubby. So I will have more to post soon about what I did in Singapore ^_^. Would it be about food? Would it be about places I went and saw? You will have to find out when I post them!
Today I would like to share with everyone the times of excitement of being an FC in a few blogs. I have never been much of FC in blogs so when I was FC in this few blogs, I was really excited!
First FC;
LaiKePo's blog.

This was my very first FC in blogging world that I receive “linky love” (who started the word linky love anyway?) which was on the 21st August 2009. The excitement begins! I want more! Of course I managed to get more FC from LKP. Up to date 7 more! I am lucky in LKP blog!
Second FC;
Life Ramblings' blog.

It wasn’t easy to be FC on LR’s blog. Of course I was excited! So I managed to be FC on LR's blog on 8th September 2009 *excitement*.
Third FC;
Tekkaus' blog.

This was my third. Another hard place to be FC; I had a gut feeling he would be posting soon, so I kept refreshing his page! Oh such luck finally an update! I was FC! It was like winning another first prize! Hahaha! 18th November 2009; being FC on Tekkaus' blog... noticed both dates has the number 8? Is that a sign?!
Fourth FC;
foongpc’s blog.

It is always hard to be first commenter in his blog, but I managed that day on the 20th November 2009 (eh why doesn't this one have number 8 in it?)! I was lucky! He posted at 10plus in the morning… usually he post at the very early morning; my brains have yet to work! So I don’t browse through blogs until like maybe 9:00am or 9:30am.
Foong next time post a little bit later… so I can get a chance again to be FC in your blog!
I got really excited being FC at these people’s blog (did I miss FC anywhere else? Places with no "linky love" doesn't count! :P)… of course I am not FC everyday at someone’s blog. I wish more FC with "linky love" showing my beautiful red avatar will come for me soon :P.
Anyone willing to let me be FC at their blog soon? *hint hint*
Have good Monday!
A 3-day weekend sure passed by really fast! How was your 3-day weekend? I went to Singapore to spend time with my hubby. So I will have more to post soon about what I did in Singapore ^_^. Would it be about food? Would it be about places I went and saw? You will have to find out when I post them!
Today I would like to share with everyone the times of excitement of being an FC in a few blogs. I have never been much of FC in blogs so when I was FC in this few blogs, I was really excited!
First FC;
LaiKePo's blog.

Second FC;
Life Ramblings' blog.

Third FC;
Tekkaus' blog.

Fourth FC;
foongpc’s blog.

Foong next time post a little bit later… so I can get a chance again to be FC in your blog!
I got really excited being FC at these people’s blog (did I miss FC anywhere else? Places with no "linky love" doesn't count! :P)… of course I am not FC everyday at someone’s blog. I wish more FC with "linky love" showing my beautiful red avatar will come for me soon :P.
Anyone willing to let me be FC at their blog soon? *hint hint*
Have good Monday!

See, i am equally as excited as you were too, i am the FC here hahahahahahahahah, cant contain my excitemtent lah,,,,,
i wish i could always be your FC here in your blog,,,
show show more photo ala singapore trip ok?,
have a good week ahead
hehehe.... what do you get when you are the first commenter of the blog :p
try to become the first commenter in kennysia blog.
eugene : Hahaha! Nice! you made FC again XD.
More photos of Singapore? Need to take more when I go around then haha :P.
TZ : Get a special link right at the bottom of the post? It is like promoting the person blog I guess haha.
But honestly, it is weird... I didn't think it would be that way, but when it was so hard to be FC, you just end up happy when you finally got it! Hahha
eldy : Kenny Sia's blog... that one don't need to say... confirm cannot. All this also I got problem getting XD. Kenny Sia's blog bigger problem! :P
Just there some kind of competition? I dunno why there's this excitement. I even saw in somebody's blog the icon - "First Commentors' Club"... I don't mind being first or last...but I would expect the blogger to reply. Those who don't...I will just stop commenting in the blog after a while.
suituapui : Well, I don't believe it is a competition... at least not to me. I think it is a way to increase traffic to go to the person's blog who gets a link under the post.
The First Commentor Club (I got one too XD) is a club that was made for those who give out the links to their first commenter in their blog. I guess it is someway to promote your own blog, and to promote your reader's blog too :).
Hmm.. in short... like a V.I.P. seat? :).
Thanks for being a great blog buddy! Sounds like you had a busy but fun 3 day weekend. This is an interesting thread to see what people think about commenting. I wonder whether suituapui means reply to what is said in the blog thread or reply by visiting the the blog of the person who made the comment. I usually do that if they have a blog or ask a question. I don't know if people check back to see if there is a reply in the thread would be interesting to know.
hahaha FC expert:D
Sukhmandir : Yea come to think of it.. I kind ofmissed out my question to STP on that... haha.. thanks for bringing it up :).
Well, I am not sure what STP meant too. it could be about that people reply to him, or people reply to him at his blog o_O; Not too sure really.
I always make sure I reply most of my readers :). Regardless it is a question or not. Then if the reader replies, it would be like a conversation going on! Like how levian I did haha :P.
Kelvin : Ha? No lah... lucky nia :P.
I think I should implement it too though am not too enamored by it...hmmm...
Gallivanter : well, it really depends on how you see it :). It promotes your readers blog and of course a way to promote your own blog too.
zamspotte : Ha? O.o
Congrats! Don't forget to tell us your singapore trip.
Willie : As long as there is something interesting I wouldn't ;).
There's should be a competition of the highest frequency of first commentator.. and get a prize for it, lolx
i used to chase for the FC title. but now with lesser works and easy quiz and assignments, i don't have much time :)
eh, did i ever get FC in your blog? grr
really a lot of first commenter wor..
I very very very rare to squeeze into FC one.. Zzzzzz...
Haiya! wanna be FC here oso sp hard one! LOL
LV: next time give a prize..then it will be much more fun. haha.. the competition starts anytime of the day.. as for me, it is always evening ..
nice nice! how come you never first comment on my blog? :P hehe just kidding!
Hi LV! greetings from Penang! thanks for featuring me here buddy. it's not ez to be your FC too. i wonder when i can be your FC????
thanks to Mariuca for hosting the FCC. it makes posting so much fun and exciting.
I am waiting for u to be FC on any of my three blogs LV hehehehe...when will dat be??? :)
What a fun game!! Everybody wins:)
can't wait for more photographs from your spore trip! i used to play in this fc thingy too. then kinda just stop without a reason. i think it was because people were dropping pointless comments just to grab the first. sometimes i don't even know how to reply. :p
Pikey : That sounds like a good idea ^_^. Just have to compiled some stuffs before that happens :P.
Faisal : Well, I guess I got the craze now :P. But I usually get bored after a while XD.
FC in my blog? I think you did, but during then, I haven't started the FC thing yet :P.
~dolly~ : I am sure you will eventually get it one day ^_^. But did once in my blog :).
lina : ha? you were FC here before mar! hahaha! :P
reanaclaire : Oh yes it does... I have thought of it :). But have to wait for the right time ^_^.
You all will hear about it hehe~
conan : Your blog ar? Another super hard place? :P hahaha!
Life Ramblings : You're most welcome ^_^. I believe you were FC in my blog before too.
Mariuca do enjoy adding more fun in the fun of blogging :P. Makes you more anticipated to know who chases after your blog hahaha and makes us chase after people's blog :P.
Mariuca : Your blog is even harder!
Gagay, Lady Java and Monica are always stalking it hahaa!
Carla : Yep it does ^_^. Well, I do get bored fast too hahha :P.
levian : You mean things like "chop" or random stuffs? hahaha I should restrict that :P... remove or random comments and only genuine comments considered as FC :P.
More pictures from Singapore... I realized I didn't have much :P. Dangit~
i think it is really hard to be FC in anyone's blogggg :(
xin : I think you are right hahaha
Hahaha :D It is always good to be the FC right? Yeah, some places like LR and Foong, it is really hard to be the FC. :p
Hahaha :D You had a gut feeling? Damn, you are very patient aye LV. Perhaps it was a sign. Who knows right?
Ha ha ha, like winning Grammy's award leh...LOL! Congrats!
Sorry! :( I don't have that tool installed on my blog :( But I know you come regularly :)
Roads of Japan
hah..u r so excited..cute..
i've never got any FC before, how saddening.. i visited some of the blogs you listed, but everytime when i'm gonna leave a comment, there are always more than 30 comments there already.. disappointing, haha :D
excitedto see your S'pore photos
no! you must have been there too many times n taking photographs become insignificant for you. it's cool, i can wait till you feel like taking it. ;) true, we can kinda limit it "for genuine comments only" or something. that will cause the commentors to have some thoughts before they start chopping away. :p talked about conversation (n replying comment's comments :p), i will not be around during weekends (or holidays) in case you missed reading one particular post at my place. it will be "away from pc" day, or even if i am in front of it, it will only be for anime sake. so, sorry for not replying on weekends. :)
Tekkaus : Haha! It does feel good :). It is like winning a prize for the day ^_^.
Oh yes their blog are hard to be FC. They are so popular... in mintues of time even, their comments get flooded already haha. But of course a lot of people too!
Pete : It is indeed! Hahaha! The feeling is there.. but Grammys Award might be a heap of excitement :P.
Bhavesh : No worries at all ^_^. I love your blog... you take really beautiful pictures. So I definitely will come by ^_^.
wenn : hahaha cute? >.<
SK : I know! It is hard indeed! You can be a minute late and already people are "chopping" away or even massive comments already!
Kucing : Singapore Pictures... My hubby took everything... I got none in my HD -_-.
levian : I guess so... but I think I go everywhere now and take pictures hahaha! Whenever I can that is.. I am always on a look out to take something :P.
Oh you will be away? Right the wedding ^_^. I will definitely miss you that is for sure. Be sure to miss me yea? ;)
I used to be a frequent FC on Foong's blog but have since slipped away to farwaway land as far as FC is concerned.
Mei Teng : It is getting harder by the day to be FC on foong's blog... He is getting way popular now.
you shall challenge mine now since you got fc on foong's blog hihihi
So enjoying being fc? I had my fair share of having FC in several blogs but busy sched is so tight and can't keep up with blogs at times.
congrats! keep stalking!
Wow it's such a great day for ya, isn't it?
ah, no no, i do mean every weekend/holiday. here is the post i wrote for clearer explanations: May 2009. just in case you mistook me as getting bored or purposely not dropping by your place or replying to your comments. hehe. ;) haha! i do that too! those whom i often hang with have gotten used to it already, the sudden pause of footstep, the sudden digging of mobile phone. XD
fufu : It is even harder at your blog! You got millions of readers!
Ayie : I just got lucky sometimes hahaha. I usually have a hard time keeping up too. Been tight at my end to browse through alot.
Dora : Have to start a Monday in a happy note :P.
levian : Oh... Well, don't worry about it :). If you noticed, I don't blog on Weekends too! Only on the RARE occassion when I need a catchup like the recent post :P. So don't worry about it all... cause I don't visit during weekends too, I need time to play my games too haha.
Ha I know! Sadly, my family doesn't... but some of my friends knows :P. My husband on the hand of course knows too well haha!
Haha! So you are now addicted to this FC thingy? I was too until I got too busy to stalk my fellow bloggers!!! : )
But I still try my best to be FC in blogs I follow. It's so much fun, don't you agree?
Of course, spamming blogs are just as fun, if not more ; )
Btw, congrats! You are FC on my blog today!!! : )
Now when can I be FC on your blog?
foongpc : Hahah well, it is only a phase :P. I will eventually lsow down on it too. haha!
Yes it does give the excitement and fun.. spamming the comment does too! Of related ones are good :P.
FC in your blog again yep ^_^. Thank you!
FC in my blog... come by tomorrow morning :P.
Congratulations on being First Commenter at these blogs, and thanks for all your lovely comments at my blog! You're a star. :)
haha! no wonder you only see games in the previous (what was it about already?) comment. oh! ragnarok. suddenly there is a light bulb on my head. :p cool, so we kinda share that very same thought of doing something different on the weekends. ;) you haven't got the chance of hanging with your family? i guess with you married, the chance get even lesser than the usual? your husband must be feeling neutral about it by now. oh there goes my wifey again. :p
sunnymama :Well, it is like a prize :). It does create the excitement once in while :P. But I believe my would die off... I get bored of things quite a tad too fast haha.
levian : Hahaha! Yeah that is about it :P
Well,thought my isn't much away from the computer :P but I believe we need to rest the mind sometimes ^_^. else we may not be inspired to write ^_^.
Oh no I see my family everyday... I am still in my family's house :P. Haven't moved to Singapore yet, but they are not like us in mind haha.
My husband is in the same generation so it is easier to talk to him and he would understand ^_^.
very true. a different pace, a refreshing change compare to the rest of the week. that 2 days make a whole lot of difference if we put it to good use. one thing that could charge us up to last another week to come. :) oh, i understand now. so as long as you can find a job there in spore, you are free to start another live in spore! woot woot! :p
levian : Yes it is... especially for people like you who writes so mysteriously, with alot of things to say... my are just based on my pictures :P. If I have any haha.
Yep get a job, live a new life in Spore :P.
you write based on your photographs, i write based on what i observed from others (or myself). in an intellectual kinda way. :p keep up the good work, keep digging keep searching! best of luck with it. :)
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